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"Mayra! What are you doing!" Grayson yelled while he was knocking against the bathroom door. He probably thought I relapsed in throwing up. This time I, for real, had to puke. I feel sick.

"Please don't start puking again, Em you where doing so good." He said when I was finally done. I sat on the ground and I finally had the feeling I could flush the toilet. I immediately took my toothbrush and started to brush my teeth. I don't want to stink like puke.

After brushing my teeth I opened the door and saw Grayson waiting for me. "Mayra don-" he began but I interrupted. "Don't even start Gray, I'm not relapsing." I said as my forehead felt a little sweaty. "Are you sick?" He asked and I nodded. "I guess." I said.

"Let me bring you to bed." He said as he brought me to bed bride style. I let my head rest on his chest. His heartbeat wasn't fast at all. He laid me down and put the sheets on me. "Do you want me to get anything for you? Some water or an apple or something?" He asked and I shook my head.

"No thanks babe." I said and smiled. "I'll be downstairs with Jayden and Jordan." He said and I nodded. After that he walked away and I immediately grabbed my phone and texted Lydia.

Lydia 👑💓

Lydia, I need your help

What's up?

I'm sick but I need something out of the store

What do you need girl?

A pregnancy test

What?! You're joking


I'll get it for you

Grayson is here so please don't bring it up and give it to me without him knowing

Alrighty! See you soon and feel better.

I can't thank you enough🙏🏽


I still feel nauseous as hell but I don't want to throw up again. Grayson will come upstairs again and the plan with Lydia will never work. Shit I fucked up bad.

My period is late. I had to be on my period four days ago. I've never been so late.

"Mayra, Lydia is here for you!" Grayson yelled upstairs. "Let her come upstairs!" I yelled back, almost throwing up because I yelled too hard. After a few seconds I heard some footsteps coming my way. Lydia quickly walked in and closed the door.

"Mayra what did you do?!" She said worried. I sat up. "I don't know." I said at the same worried tone as she was talking. "Did it break?" Lydia asked as she looked up and down my body quickly.

"He did not wear it." I said. "You did not do it safely?!" She almost screamed and I immediately shushed her. "It was in the janitors closet, what did you want me to do?!" I asked whispering. "Uhm maybe not do it?!" She said now also whispering.

"I know, but it's too late now." I said. "You don't know for sure, maybe you're not pregnant." Lydia said as she gave the test to me. "Wish me luck." I said as I sat on the edge of my bed. "Good luck." She said.

"Wait lets read it first." I said because I was too scared to actually pee on the stick. "Okay so you need to pee on it." Lydia said. I gave her a 'no way!' Look and she laughed and continued.

"Wait 5 minutes and if there are two stripes, then you're fucked and one stripe is lucky youuu!" She said and I sighed. "Sorry, Two is pregnant and one is not pregnant."

I went to the bathroom and when I sat on the toilet, I started to pee on the stick. "Are you done yet?" Lydia asked. "Wait a sec, I'm not a person to pee fast just like you." I said.

I eventually flushed the toilet and washed my hands and after that opened the door for Lydia. She came in and was quiet for a second. "Did you fart? Your fart smells like weed." She ended up saying. What the fuck?

I started to laugh. "How in the world can a fart smell like weed?!" I asked as I laughed harder. She made so many stupid comments that she is now my closest friend. She is funny and can make me laugh at any moment. I also can trust her with everything.

We sat on the edge of the bath as we started to talk. "How are you going to tell Gray, if you're pregnant?" She asked. I raised my shoulders. "I don't even know."

After some minutes, the alarm of my phone started to ring. Shit. Moment of truth. "Get the stick." Lydia commanded me. "Yes." I said as I listened to her and my heart started to beat really fast. As I grabbed the sticked and after that, I quickly looked at Lydia that also looked nervous.

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