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"Grayson, you need to talk to Mayra." I heard Lydia say. She went downstairs after we took a look at the pregnancy test. I sat in my bed and stared at my feet as my vision was blurry. I heard footsteps but I didn't even care that Grayson would be upstairs in a few seconds.

"Hey." He said while opening the door. I didn't say anything and still stared at my feet. "Why are you crying?" He said as his thumb brushed over my cheek and tried to dry the tears. "Mayra you can tell me." He said. "No I can't." I finally said.

"You'll hate me forever." I said. I knew I was going to disappoint Grayson. He was the only person in my life who was optimistic and stable. What if I ruin his life? I don't want him to go on the wrong path. What if this depresses him or he'll leave me.

Or even worse, if he leaves the kid.

"I won't hate you, I never will." He said and I sighed. "Mayra what is it?" He asked and I threw the stick that I peed on at him and it landed next to him. "What's that?" He asked.

"I peed on it." I said. "Ew dude, why do you throw it on me." He started to laugh and I had to laugh too. Than I became quiet again. I looked at the test. "It's a pregnancy test." I said. "Shut up, you're not pregnant." He said all serious.

"I am." I said and Grayson did not say a thing.

Hi everyone!

I just wanted to say something. I've seen that y'all like the book and want me to update faster. I'd love to update but it is stressful to keep up with the updating.

I write on my own pace and sometimes I update shortly after I updated and the other time it takes longer. I'm busy and have a life that I need to live as well (it sounds harsh but I don't mean it like that)

I need inspiration for writing so you can't expect me to update twice at the same day. I see the comments and I'm happy that a lot of you are positive about the book. It's just stressful for me to make everyone happy.

I'll stress if I see that someone wants an update and try my best to write fast for that person but it's not always possible to get a chapter up. From now on I will ignore those comments because I don't need more stress than I already have. If you know what I mean.

Again, I love all of you so so much and I appreciate everyone who likes it and reads it and I don't mean to attack anyone. I'm so glad that people read the book and it makes me so happy.

You have no idea how many times I've send my friends screenshots of funny comments or the fact that I have so many K on Impatient. (Which is crazy)

Again, I love you and thank you for everything!!

This was just a small chapter also for me to tell you what I said in those fat letters lol^

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