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Double update!

I finally could go home after giving birth. I made a decision to not look at the baby. I didn't want to see it dead. Grayson also did not want to see it. I understand it. He realized that he didn't want to loose the baby when I was already in the hospital.

Now that we lost the baby and I had to get labor to get rid of it, he felt sad about everything that happened.

We walked towards the car and Grayson and Jayden helped me. Walking was not going well right now. "Mayra." Grayson began as he stopped walking. "Yeah?" I said as Jayden and I also stopped walking.

"You know I kissed Samantha right?" He said while getting nervous. "Do you like her?" I asked as he shook his head. "I've partied like I never partied before and now I've kissed her, I was out of my mind." He said. I can't be mad at him for it.

First of all because I'm already sad enough and second of all because we weren't even in a relationship at that moment. He basically didn't even cheat. "We weren't in a relationship Gray." I began as we started to walk again. "I can't be mad at you for that and if you don't even like her, then it's fine right?" I asked.

I need to be more chill towards him. It's a logical thing to be jealous, because of the cheating with Marcia. I just need to relax more. I know he loves me and nobody else. I don't need to feel scared of him leaving me. He won't.

There's someone that truly loves me and cares for me. I guess I have to love and care for myself a little more too. I finally feel the need to accept myself for who I am. I'm good as the person I am and nobody can tear me down for it.

"Mayra?" He said again as we stopped walking again. I giggled "what?" I asked. "Yo I'm going to the car, you guys seriously need to talk right now." Jayden said and laughed. He walked away and waited with my dad and Skylar in the car.

"I love you." Grayson said as I smiled. "And I never want to have more break ups between us two. My heart can't handle that." He continued as I totally agreed. "I don't ever want to leave again and I want you to be in my life forever. I'm not going to propose by the way so don't freak out." He laughed and I laughed too.

"But I want you to know that when the timing is good, I want you to be my beautiful wife. We will travel the world together and it will only be us." He continued and he made me so happy. "I love you Mayra. I've always done and I always will." He said as last and I fell in his arms of happiness. "I love you too." I said.

I need to have more patience with myself and Grayson from now on


Thank you all for reading my sequel of Impatient! When I started to write my first book Impatient, I had never thought I would get any reads! But I am so glad you guys loved it and also started to read my sequel.

This was the second and last book of Impatient. I hoped you liked Impatient and Patience!

I love you all!

Patience [Impatient sequel]Where stories live. Discover now