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"It's a guy" Jayden said. I was confused now. "You never were in love with Senna?" I asked. "Yes I was." Jayden said and shook his head. "It's fucking stupid." He said while crying. "No, no it's not!" I said as I hugged him. Grayson laid his hand on Jayden his shoulder.

"So you're bisexual?" Grayson asked and Jayden nodded his head while he was still in my arms. I finally let go after he calmed down. I sat down again and started to smile. "I'm proud of you." I said and Jayden looked at him really confused. "Why?" He asked.

"Because you told us."

"Dude it's amazing! You got boys and girls to fall in love with." Grayson said. "That's more than only liking girls." Grayson winked at him and now I saw Jayden laugh a little.

"Soooo, who's the lucky guy?" I asked. "He doesn't know that I like him yet." Jayden quickly said. "Does he like boys?" Grayson asked and Jayden nodded. "Is it Jordan?" I asked and Jayden didn't say anything anymore.

"Oh my god it is!" I yelled and I looked at Grayson. "Jordan is your best friend! You need to hook them up!" I said excited. "Mayra chill!" Jayden said as I started to laugh. "I will try something." Grayson winked at me.

"This is so weird." Jayden said.

"So where is Jordan?" I asked Grayson as Jayden walked behind me trying to hide his gigantic body behind my tiny one. "I guess at his locker.. Yes! Right there!" Gray yelled. Jayden shushed Grayson immediately.

"Can we do this another time?" Jayden asked and I shook my head.

"Hi Jordan, you know my brother Jayden?" I asked and Jordan nodded. "Yes of course!" He laughed. "What's up dude?" He asked. Jayden was all quiet.

"Well.. we'll leave you two alone.." Grayson said as he grabbed my hand and dragged me with him.


"What are you doing?!" I said as Grayson grabbed my waist and closed the janitors closet. He started to kiss my neck. "Seriously? The janitors closet?" I laughed. He started to kiss my lips slowly but intense.

He took my vest off and my shirt was followed. I always hated the thought of fucking in a janitors closet. It's stupid. But his love makes me do things I would never want to do.

I took his pants off. He took a step back from me to let me get ready and almost tripped over the mop which made me laugh really hard. He also giggled. "I'm clumsy." He said stepping back to me. "It's okay, I'm used to it." I said and started to kiss him again.

He took my pants off and with the next touches I screamed while throwing my head back. Grayson tried to shush me but it didn't help. "Baby girl, you need to be a little more quiet." He said. I just couldn't help it, I mean, the D is good.


"Mayra, Grayson, you guys are late." Mr. Hale said. Like, obviously we know. Class started ten minutes ago. "Yea, we're sorry." Grayson said shortly before walking to his seat and rolling his eyes. I noticed that there was only a seat next to a girl I've never seen before.

She was so pretty. Long brown hair with green eyes. That's the most beautiful combination ever. She had an amazing style, she could be an Instagram model. I sat down next to her as she looked at me so I friendly smiled at her. 

"For Grayson and Mayra, there's a new girl.." Mr. Hale said while pointing at the girl so she stood up. "Hi, I'm Samantha, call me Sam." She said while smiling at us. "Hi sam, nice to meet you." I smiled and she smiled back.

"I actually was waiting for you miss Laurentis. I wanted to ask you if you could show Samantha the school." Mr. Hale said and I nodded. "Sure." I said and looked at Samantha.

"These are the restrooms, you come here to cry." I said and Samantha laughed. "School is hard I got you girl." She said and smiled. She is so nice.

"Okay so I'm going to show you the dressing rooms of the cheerleading team." I said and she nodded. "You do cheerleading?" She asked. "Not anymore but I might start doing it again for this last 6 months." I said as i knocked on the door. "Come in!" I heard a familiar voice yelling. Senna.

"Hey guys, meet Samantha, she's new." I said after I came in. "Call me Sam." She said a little awkward. She was much more comfortable around me. I've never been 'the new girl' but it seems hard.

"Hi Sam! Oh my god I will show you the whole school!" Macey screamed immediately and I rolled my eyes and Samantha noticed it. "Oh it's okay thank you! But Mayra is already doing that."she said awkwardly while smiling and Macey immediately became less excited.

"Oh okay! I'll see you around then." She fake smiled. "Hey Senna by the way, how are you doing?" I asked. "I'm fine thanks." She said and I knew she wasn't alright which made me feel bad. "Call me okay?" I asked and she nodded. "I will." She said before I walked away with Samantha.

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