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"Hey Sam!" I waved and Hayden who just ate her fry looked up. "Who's that?" Liv asked and I signed Samantha to come sit at our lunch table. "This is Samantha and she is new. You can call her Sam." I said while introducing her

"I'll call you Mantha, just to be confusing." Lydia smiled and continued eating. Samantha laughed. "That's okay." She said and she sat down next to me. "So, how is school?" I asked Sam. "Well, it is.. school." She laughed and I nodded. "Boring, huh?" I asked and she nodded before she started eating.

It was a little awkward but Hayden spoke up. "So did you see any cute guys?" She asked as Sam nodded and quickly chewed her fries. "There was this one boy!" She said excited and everybody started listening.

"Wait is that him?" She asked and we looked over our shoulder. Ethan walked in to the cafeteria. "Or the other one, I don't know, one is hotter." She said. Clearly talking about Ethan or Grayson so it became a little awkward again.

"Wait, no, it is that one." She said as Grayson came in and Liv sighed. "Oh my god." She whispered after. Grayson waved to our table as he smiled to me. "Oh my god, look how cute he is!" She said. Lydia's eyes widened as she looked at me.

"You guys are being quiet. Is he already taken?" She asked as Grayson came up to us. "Uuh.." I said as he greeted. "Hey beautiful." He said as he kissed my head. "Oh this is awkward." She said as she look at me. "What is?" Grayson asked. "Nothing." I answered quickly.

Sam laughed and looked at him. "Well, I'm new and had a tiny crush on you but you're taken by my friend right here." She winked at me. "Oh." Grayson laughed definitely not knowing what to say. What an uncomfortable situation. Very very awkward.

"Well, I'm sorry I guess." He said with a giggle.

Dude you don't have to giggle, not necessary.

"It's okay." she said while playing with her hair. I saw Hayden looking at me with one eyebrow raised. Okay clearly Samantha is flirty and confident and Grayson is my handsome little fuckboy who I do trust. He is only testing my Patience right now.

"Well.. class is almost starting.." I stared. "Yeah true, uhmm.. can I talk to you for a sec?" Grayson asked as he smiled. "You're creeping me out." I said. "It's a good talk, I promise." He laughed and I stood up. "You creepy assclown." I said and let the girls laugh a little.

"Come on." He said while he grabbed my hand. We walked towards some place more private. As Grayson stopped in front of the lockers and I bumped into him. He is seriously a rock. Too muscular yet so warm and soft.

"Oh sorry." He said as he giggled and turned around. I smiled at him waiting for him to start the conversation. "So.. it's almost the December month" He started, took my hand and played with it. "And I am going to a family dinner for Christmas." He began. "Yes?" I asked.

He looked at me with puppy eyes. "Will you come with me and meet my entire family?" He asked as I almost chocked on some air. "Oh hell no!" I said as I went trough my hair.

He started to laugh. "Come on Em, I met yours at that wedding!" He said and now I started laughing. "You basically pooped your pants." I said as I thought about how nervous he was back then. "Yes, well, it's time for you to poop also!" He said clearly wanting me to meet his family.

Of course I already met his parents, sister and Ethan because Gray and I were best friends when we were younger. I just never met his entire family.

"Is it important to you?" I asked and nodded his head. "Very!" He almost yelled. I already became nervous because I knew that if it's important to him, I couldn't say 'no.'

"Dude, you are putting me in a scary situation right now." I said and he giggled. "Is that a yes?" He asked and I slowly nodded. "Yes, only because you think it's important." I said and I saw the excitement coming. "Oh my gosh, yes!" He said as he cuddled me very hard.

"Can't. Breathe." I said as he let me go immediately. "Sorry, excitement." He said as we both start laughing. Then I became more serious because I realized he mentioned dinner.

"Grayson, how am I supposed to eat in front of your family." I said as my anxiety kicked in. "Relax Em, we have a lot of people in the family that don't eat much." He said with a smile on his face. "They are healthy right?" I asked a little worried and seeing him nodding his head was a relief.

"Yes plus they won't notice how much you eat, I promise." He said. I still felt anxious about the whole thing but I just had to suck it up. "Speaking of it, have you already eaten?" Grayson asked a little more serious now.

"Breakfast: cereal and lunch: an apple and some fries I stole from Hayden." I said being totally proud. "What did Hayden think of it?" Grayson laughed. "She was proud of me but I can't steal the fries from her anymore." I laughed.

A month ago I could go days without eating but I felt so unhealthy that I knew I had to change it. It's so hard to get over this and I struggle every day.

How more I practice, how easier it gets. I just know that the voice in my head will never leave. I just need to make sure to battle with that voice in my head that I call "May."

For a second I thought May was gone before Grayson and I broke up but I just couldn't see her anymore. I could still hear her. It was the most annoying voice in the entire world and that voice can get to me.

Sometimes I feel like giving op the battle and stop eating for three days straight but all the support keeps me going. My dad and brother constantly remind me I can win this fight with the anorexia, I call May. Obviously Grayson daily asks about what I have eaten.

In the beginning all the support was annoying but after a week, I got used to it and it actually felt good. I felt a lot of love coming from my family, friends and Grayson.

And I am so thankful for that.

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