23. What is this Place?

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Natalia's P.O.V

When I woke up, my neck was hurting beyond belief. I tried to move my arms but I realized my arms were tied to something hard. I didn't know where I was or when I had gotten here. All I knew was that I was in a chair. There were no windows around but there was a dim light that was coming from a candle directly in front of me. I could barely see anything.

I was hoping I could get some type of clue but it was so dark that I couldn't get much detail from anything. As I tried to look around, I felt someone hit my face.

"I see that you're awake." His voice sounded highly familiar. I couldn't remember from where, though. And then it hit me. Next door. I guess it really had been him inside that house.

I tried to stay calm, but I was beyond scared. I had read about kidnappings. I knew that the person that had revenge on their mind stopped at nothing. This man was going to hurt me and there was nothing that I could do to stop it. There was no guarantee that anyone was going to find me before he had the chance to kill me. And I knew for sure, that if this man had the chance to kill me, he would. I also knew that he wouldn't just kill me. That would be too easy and he wouldn't get anything out of it. He wanted Aiden to suffer.

"Aiden is going to find me. He's going to be looking for me and he's going to put you in jail." I said to him.

He laughed and I swore that it felt like I was in one of those horror movies where no one survives.

"Just like he saved his sister."


"Oh. He didn't tell you? Why do you think he wants to catch me? It isn't just going to be because he wants to do it for fun. Everyone has their own reason as to why they do what they do. Mine is to get revenge on him. And his...is because I killed his sister."


"That's right, honey. I killed his sister. And now I'm going to kill his little girlfriend too."

My mind was racing. Aiden had never mentioned his sister to me and I realize that it was probably too painful for him to talk about. But I saw his sister in that picture. She didn't look a day older than ten years old. There was no way that this man was that evil. He couldn't have tortured and killed a child just because he could. I thought back to Aura. She was five years old and she had so much time ahead of her. She could choose whatever she wanted to do and there was still a lot of time to pick. You had to be a certain kind of evil to kill children.

"You couldn't be that evil."

"He was so stupid. He should have been taking care of her. He should have been watching her every move but you know a boy's ego is always somewhere else. He didn't want his friends to see that he was taking care of his little sister. It was easy to sneak behind him and take her. You should have seen his face when he realized she was gone. It was the funniest thing that I had ever seen. The panic in his eyes as he called her name running through the park, pushing people out of the way. I wonder if that's how he's looking for you."

"You're evil." This time, he slapped me again and it burned. I tried to kick him but I found that my legs were also tied to the legs of the chair. Desperation had started invading every cell in my body.

"We're going to move you somewhere else."

That didn't sound good to me. I'm sure it wasn't supposed to be good. I didn't want to ask him though. I knew when to keep my mouth shut. Whatever gave me more time to live, I would do. I needed to see my family. I needed to see Aiden. I had to tell him that I loved him, that I still did and that I didn't think there was anything that could change that. He must have known by now that something was off. Cayden and Ingrid must have been so worried. Why hadn't I gone back to the house as soon as Finn had left? It was my fault that I was here.

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