25. Hope Is All I Have

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Natalia's P.O.V.

I was sitting in this stupid chair again. Everything still hurt. I wasn't even sure how many days had passed since he made the video. But I was pretty sure that he was going to make another one soon. I would see him go in the direction that we had gone that day. Sometimes, he even came back with the camera in his hands. There were also times that he would stop and look through the camera at me. I was never sure if he took pictures or videos since I never saw him click any buttons, but it still unnerved me.

I wanted to leave this place. I wanted someone to come and get me and take me back home. There were times when I closed my eyes and believed with all my might that I was somewhere else, and it would usually work but then this guy would speak and I was reminded that I was not in paradise.

He fed me, which took me by surprise. He would not, however, let me feed myself. He said that he couldn't take that chance. My eyes nearly got stuck in the back of my head as I rolled my eyes at his statement. I know that this is going to sound crazy, but it was at times like these when I focused on the good. I wondered what had happened to him. I knew that Aiden had been the reason that he was taking revenge, but why take his sister? Why kill her and then come back a second time just to hurt him? Don't get me wrong, I still hated him and thought that there was some serious damage, but everyone had a story, even the worst of people.

"It's good that you're eating up. At least Aidy will know that I tried to take care of you when he finds your body." He said to me.

I didn't want to look at him. I'm pretty sure I still had bruises all over my body. He hadn't been playing. I couldn't sleep half the time, so I was completely exhausted and I didn't want to pass out here. That would only mean that he had more freedom to do whatever the hell that he wanted.

After the meal had been finished, he came over and untied the rope around my wrists and ankles. Instantly, the fear returned. It was never a good sign if he was the one taking me places. I was praying that there would be nothing bad this time. But knowing how he treated me the last time, I didn't think something good was going to be a possibility. He started pushing me and we were going towards a small hallway. Once we got to the hallway, he pushed me one last time and then I didn't feel him behind me anymore. I wasn't wearing a blindfold, and I knew it wasn't necessary because I literally could not see shit. There was nothing there. I didn't know where the fuck I was going and I couldn't see anything but apparently he could, because once I tried to turn around and find my way back, I heard his voice say, "Don't turn around. You're going to keep walking and eventually I'll have a surprise for you."

"What? I don't like the sound of that. Can I just go back?"

I didn't get an answer, just the hardest shove I have ever experienced in my life. He basically had me up against the wall and it was starting to get a little harder to breathe. His lips were nearly touching my ear, "I don't give a shit if you like the sound of it or not. You're going to do as I say, or I'll just kill you right here. Forget making him suffer for a little bit; I'll just make him hate himself for the rest of his life. Now what are you going to do?"

"I—I'm going to walk straight." I said to him, if hadn't still been pinned to the wall, my knees would have buckled from under me.

"Good. Now go along."

He finally got off of me and I continued to walk ahead of me. it had surprised me when he hadn't put on anything to tie my wrists together. I had a bad feeling about this. But I couldn't do anything about it. This man was ragey. There was no doubt about that. I just wanted to get out of here alive, and if I ever did something to provoke him, I knew that it could possibly be the last time that I would see anything or do anything. If anything, I was hoping that maybe he would change his mind and then just take me back. It was stupid of me to think that would happen though.

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