37. Point Blank

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All I ever wanted to do was have a happy life. It had obviously not turned out that way. The little happiness that I had was my siblings and Aiden, or Nathan at the time I had first met him was something I has always wanted. And even then, there was always something going on that would disturb that sense of happiness. That was what happened when Daniels had thought it appropriate to take me and try to torture two people with one stone or when Aiden had left me the day of the wedding. It had always been hard for me to accept the little bursts of happiness, for every time there was one, times of unhappiness or grief would accompany them. These were the things that I thought about in life. The things running through my head as I watched Aiden make his famous pancakes for the second time three days before Cayden, Ingrid and Finn were set to come back.

"I missed your pancakes, Aiden." I said as the smell hit my nostrils.

"I'm glad you did. It's about time I made them again. You have been hogging the breakfast making duties." He answered.

I shrugged. "I just like making breakfast for two. It's better than making breakfast for three."

He walked over to the table and set the stack of pancakes in the middle. He sat across from me and then went on to set his own plate. I watched him as he excitedly poured a little bit of syrup over his pancakes and dug in. If it was anything that I learned about him was that he loved pancakes. It was so different being here. But I liked it and I had started to think about moving in with him. Something that hadn't crossed my mind before. I knew that some people were very old school but I had already gotten a taste and I kind of didn't want to stop doing this. Besides, I already knew that life was short. If we didn't take advantage of the opportunities given to us now, we might not ever be able to take advantage of them at all.

"A penny for your thoughts?" he asked me, as I had realized that I had gotten silent.

"I was just thinking that I kind of don't want to leave. I like this. I like being here with you and waking up every morning with you by my side."

The smile on his face caused the smile on my face to grow. It felt like whenever I was with him, I was genuinely happy. I didn't have to fake a smile or pretend that there was nothing wrong. He already knew what I was feeling without me telling him. I didn't really know how he did that but it was something I had never experienced with anyone before.

"I'd like you to stay. But it would be hard to imagine your siblings getting home and finding nothing of yours in the house anymore. We have to tell them before we do anything." He said to me and it caused my heartbeat to speed up. I could already see the mornings at his side, waking up and seeing him asleep, or having him wake up before me, making breakfast. It was big enough for two people. Sure, it was small but his closet was big enough for two sets of clothes. I was already getting excited.

"Okay. We'll talk to them." I said, unable to hide the smile on my face.

After we ate, we went to the living room and just stayed there. I went to lie down with my feet facing the door on the couch, while Aiden lied down with his feet facing mine. He was taller than I was so his feet reached farther than mine did.

"I don't like this," he said, so he got up and basically forced me to scoot over. In the end, my legs were resting on top of his. His arm was wrapped around me. It was at that moment that I was grateful that he had a rather large couch.

It was also here that I had told him that I had never shot a gun. The minute I said it, he took me down to one of those firing ranges. I can't say that I was the best shot there, but having it been my first time, it was decent. Now, if you were to put me face to face with a real person holding a gun, I would probably die.

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