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Jess' POVI groaned as I sat up from my position slumped against a tree along the motorway, pulling out my phone I realised I had slept all through the night, just lucky no one found me

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Jess' POV
I groaned as I sat up from my position slumped against a tree along the motorway, pulling out my phone I realised I had slept all through the night, just lucky no one found me. Yeah I can control my whole, 'Zombie red eyes' thing, but not when I have been travelling for days on end. All I needed right now was a bit of sheer luck. "Hello can I help you ma'am?" Came a voice from across the road. I looked over to see a man, mid forties, closing the hood of his car. "Yeah. Could you tell me how close Seattle is from here?" I asked, crossing over to him.
"I'd say a few miles away. Want a ride? I'm going to visit an old friend." He offered. I examined his face before nodding.
"Mind if I sit in the back?" I asked not wanting to be near him incase something did happen. "Sure, go ahead," he replied. He got into the drivers seat and off we went, soon the city came into sight and I told him to drop me where ever he could.

Thankfully he was just a nice guy and I tossed him some money before leaving. I thought for a second, my stomach growled as I realised I needed brains, but where to get them..."of course. Let's hope no one is in," I said to myself heading towards the station, needing to be in the morgue. When you'd been a zombie as long as I had, you learned where to get brains.

When I was in I headed straight down the steps and peered around the corner, praying it was empty and to my luck it was just that. I ran over to the doors and pulled out the body. Just as I was about to open it's head, I heard a ding behind me. Instantly, I turned and looked through the glass window, at the other side of the room there was a kitchen area, inside were the employees. I hastily shut the door and ducked behind a table, peering out to the break room. Then I smelt it, cooked brains and hot sauce. The best and only combination I could wish for.

"You know, if I had known you were a zombie a wouldn't have snuck in." I spoke, standing up making the pair jump.
"What? Who are you?" The man asked walking out, visibly alarmed.
"Jessica. Now is she going to share or do I need to crack a head open?" I asked pointing at the girl.
"Ok, calm down. I'm Ravi, this is Liv. Are you a new one?" He asked and I shrugged confused at what he meant.
"New what? Zombie?" I asked, he nodded. "Oh, that. Probably the oldest one, 25 years and counting." I pushed past Ravi and stole a piece of brain sushi from her plate.
"Really?" She glared at me and I just smiled in response. "So what are you doing here?" Liv asked, walking to the sink to wash up.
"I'm looking for others. Heard there were more in Seattle," I explained.
"What else? Surely you don't need a brain supply if you've survived this long on your own."
"Family. Been looking for them since..." I trailed off. 
"Since what?" Ravi asked. I blinked, looking down, before looking back up at them, my eyes red and veins visible. They stepped back a little and I went back to my normal state. "You can control it?" Liv stopped washing the pots and dried her hands.
"Yes, unless I get really angry or upset. Also I can sometimes control others. Sort of like an alpha in a wolf pack. Clearly that has to be inherited. No one gets that from a scratch." I sat down on the nearest chair and they just stared in disbelief.
"Alright, well who scratched you?" Ravi asked.
"A friend. I killed her, not on purpose, but I was 4, I didn't know what I was and I couldn't control it. Scared myself shitless. We got into a fight and she lost. What about you, who turned you?" I asked. Liv went to answer when I heard another man behind me.

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