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🎶Back again🎶

🎶Back to back Maybach, stack the M's🎶

🎶Told 'em I met Slim Shady, bagged an Em🎶

🎶Once he goes black, he'll be back again🎶

I grabbed my brush got hyped and started rapping in my mirror.

"Bout to make these bum-" I was cut off by my brother Amir busting into my room with low eyes eating some chips.

"Are those mine?" I narrowed my eyes at him leaning closer to get a better look.

"Mhm," he smirked putting more chips in his mouth.

Rolling my eyes I snatched the bag grabbing a couple of chips for myself. "Bro stop eating my food," I said before placing the chips in my mouth.

"Chill Mani a nigga starving," he said trying to snatch it back.

"Stop, before I tell Mama you high, now go buy your own chips." His smile dropped and he immediately stopped. I cackled loudly pointing at his face. Smacking his lips he muffed my head mumbling before laying down and getting comfortable on my bed. He began looking at something on his phone.

Amir is the typical big brother. He's overprotective and he would do anything to keep me and our mama safe. Although he is always at work and is never home. He says it's his job and responsibility to be the only man to provide for us and make us happy. He is usually playful and always jokes around, and he gets even worse when he's high. Which half of the time he is. But since it was Saturday he didn't have to work and now he's in my room bothering me.

"Ummm did I say you can chill in here?" I raised my eyebrow at his position. He had one hand in his sweats and his ankles crossed.

"You gone put me out?" He challenged, I huffed before stepping closer to my bed.

"Why are you even in here? What do you want?" I asked him crossing my arms.

"Oh yeah mama said that you better have your room clean because she has company coming over," he mumbled, focusing on whatever is on his phone.

"Okay, Mir I have to finish getting ready now get out!" I said pointing to the door.

"Nope," he smirked while getting under my comforter and pulling it up to his chin.

"You gotta be kidding me-" I grabbed the end of the cover pulling it off of him. Grabbing his ankles I yanked him off my bed while Amir laughed loudly. He didn't even budge. I huffed and tried again.

"MOVEEE!!" I eventually gave up after realizing he is heavier than he looks.

"You done lost yo mind coming in here with yo dirty socks on my bed!"

I gestured to the door. "Get out Amir so I can finish getting ready."

He got up slowly keeping eye contact with me knowing it will aggravate me how slow he is moving. He suddenly pushed me away from him and quickly grabbed the chips off my dresser laughing, then he ran out of my room.

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