Stay Away From Them (Edited)

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Author Note: The video above is the song I mentioned in the story description. Enjoy 😄

In a world where human and werewolves coexist, the story of red riding hood and a wolf had been told again and again. Yes, it was the very same story we had been told to when we were children as a bedtime story. Both sides were busy trying to keep their ancestors away from each other.

Deep into the woods, there was a small village of werewolves...

"Len, if you happen to see a human... you must hide and stay away from them, okay? Human tends to indiscriminate against our species." A beautiful woman said while stroking her son's silky hair gently. 

Len was resting his head on his mother's lap. He wagged his tail right to left, showing how comfortable he felt. "Sure. I will remember that mom." Len said with his eyes closed. Nothing felt better than sleeping on the loved one's lap. He was feeling very secured.

Meanwhile, in the town where human lived...

"....... grandma, what a big eyes you have. The wolf then answer, the better to see you with. Red riding hood then say... grandma, what a big hand you have. The wolf answer again, the better I can hug you with. The red riding hood then say, grandma, what a big teeth you have. The wolf jump off from the bed and say the better to eat you with......" A guy with a pair of glasses finally finished reading a bedtime story to his daughter.

The girl shivered slightly as she listened to the story. The story was scary but it was her favourite. She would ask for her Papa to read the story almost every night before she fell asleep. "Papa, are all of the wolves bad?" A girl with bright blue eyes asked. She was very curious about the wolves since she had never met one.

The guy took his time for a while to think of the most appropriate answer to give to his daughter. "Hurm... that is a hard question Rin." He paused for a while to study his daughter curious face. "I guess it is not fair to say all wolves are bad, BUT... please remember to stay away from them. They are dangerous and can easily hurt us. Please promise me that!" The guy said and put up his pinky finger. Rin was very dear to him as she was the only family member he had.

Rin nodded and hooked her right pinky finger's with her Papa's to assure him. "Okay~" She then smiled sweetly to her father.

Rin's Papa let out a relieved sigh. "Good girl." The guy patted his daughter's head and pulled up the blanket. "It is late now. You should sleep early and have enough rest." He kissed his daughter's forehead and switched off the light "Sleep tight my princess..." he said before he left the room.

Human beings were fragile and cruel, werewolves were full of blood lust and untruthful. What would happen if one day human and werewolf cross path again? And to make it worst, they fall in love!!!

A/N: Hello~ hahaha... don't hate me for appearing twice here ^_^; I just want to know your opinion about a story like this. Do comment and vote if you like this fanfic... it means a lot... seriously a lot...

Edit: I already edited this chapter... If there is anything you as a reader want to correct, leave your comment at which part... and I will edit this chapter again 😊

The wolf who fell in love with red riding hoodWhere stories live. Discover now