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About 2 years ago Len and Rin had made their feelings toward each other clear. Yes! they were both in love toward each other.


Rin was resting her head on Len's shoulder. She loved the smell of Len. It made her feel comfortable. Rin closed her eyelids and let Len read the book in his hand. She didn't want to disturb Len when he was reading.

"Rin." Len softly called her name.

Rin hummed to respond.

Len closed his book and shifted his position, causing Rin to lift up her head from Len's shoulder. Rin blinked at Len, as he suddenly had a serious face expression.

"Do you have something you want to say Len?" Rin asked as she tilted her head a little.

Len took a deep breath. 'I hope I make the right decision.'  He told himself. "Rin, what I am going to say might have a big impact to your... I-I mean our live." He corrected himself. "If you are ready to hear from me, I am going to proceed and spill my heart content out today."Len asked for Rin's permission before he continue.

Rin nodded. "You may talk Len. It's okay."

Len suddenly felt butterfly in his stomach. He was being super nervous and his breath became a bit irregular. Cold sweat rolled down his face. Again, he took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down.

"Len, are you sick? You don't have to force yourself to talk." Rin said feeling concerned. "You can tell me later when you feel better." She added.

"No no no no no...." Len protested. "I am fine. Moreover I want to say this today." He said calmly. "Rin, as we keep getting closer I think I have develop a feeling toward you. When you are nowhere in my sight, I want to meet you really badly. When I see you, I want to touch you and I want you to rely on me. I honestly want to speak to you and hear more from you. Your voice is like music to my ears. I will never get sick of it." Len stopped. He lifted his head to see Rin's reaction.

Rin face was very red. She even forgot how to breath for a few seconds.

"So... I was thinking and thinking and came out with a conclusion." Len continued as Rin was still speechless after what she heard. "Rin, I think I fell in love with you." Len let out a heavy breath.

Rin gasped. She was shocked at the sudden confession.

What is love?

"Len, I always have this feeling longing for you. I know how you feel because I feel exactly the same. I was not so sure if this feeling is what people call love, but I know it is indeed special." Rin paused. She looked at Len in the eyes and say "the feeling is mutual Len. I love you too."

Both of them stared at each other red face and silence took place. They both were out of words. No word can describe how they feel at that time.

Len leaned his face closer to Rin. His eyes were locked to Rin's. His hand caressing Rin's rosy cheek as he was moving closer.

Rin could feel Len's hot breath on her face. She can't take her eyes away from looking at Len's face.

Len kissed Rin on her cheek before he rested his forehead on Rin's shoulder. "Rin, did we make the right decision?" Len's words were laced with sadness. "Isn't this a forbidden love?" He asked again.

Is there right or wrong in love?

Rin faked laughter. "If falling in love with you is wrong, I choose to be in the wrong side." Rin said. "Should we change the history and make a happy ending for both Red Riding Hood and the Wolf?" She smiled weakly at her own idea.

Len lifted up his head and looked at Rin. "Maybe we should try to put up some fight for this love." Len gave Rin the smile that can melt people hearts away.

"I will fight with you Len." Rin said and showed her tiny fist.

A/N: I am in serious conflict right now T-T... Reader-chan, I am thinking about which option I should take for next story branch. It won't effect the ending since I already have a fixed ending of the story... But it will effect the climax of course... or maybe it will effect the rising action ._. Anyways, I hope reader-chan like the story..

The wolf who fell in love with red riding hoodWhere stories live. Discover now