Broken Promises

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Len chuckled at the sight. "Let me eat this Rin. Your sandwiches will never make me sick." He winked while trying to dodge Rin's attempt to snatch the sandwiches away.

After a few trials, Rin gave up. "Hmph. It will be your own fault if you get sick. I already warned you."

Len laughed and continued to eat the sandwiches.


A pair of eyes silently observed what Rin and Len were doing. He made sure he was far enough that he can't be spotted but still can barely listens to what the couple was talking about. 'Forbidden fruit?' He thought to himself. 'This sounds very interesting. I will follow them first to see the forbidden tree before spread the news about Rin is dating a wolf to the villagers. I will make sure the wolf suffer for daring to fall in love with a human.' He had a wicked smile on his face. 'Such a monster shall meet the same ending as the wolf. BANG!!!' He laughed silently. He slowly backed off from his spot. He need to leave that place before Rin go back home or she would spot him. He carefully walked away and made sure he didn't make any noise while walking out from the woods.

After Len ate all the sandwiches, Rin returned back home. She need to be at home before her Papa. 'I can't wait to see the forbidden fruit tomorrow with Len!'

As soon as Rin arrived home, she prepared the dinner for her father. She hummed happily as she took out a few ingredients to make the dinner. 'I will make a special dinner for Papa today.' She paused for a while and her smile faded away in a split second. 'What will be Papa's reaction when he know that I fell in love with a wolf?' This thought suddenly come across her mind. Her hands stopped working. "I am sorry Papa." Rin started to feel melancholy. "I fell in love with a wolf and kept it as a secret from you. I loved you Papa, but Len is also precious to me. He made me feel special." She silently muttered as the tears rolled down her face.


"Wow! Rin, the dinner looks special today. Did I missed something? Today is not your birthday right? Because I don't buy any present for you." A handsome man with a pair of glasses looked anxious after he saw the special dinner.

Rin smiled. "Calm down Papa. It's not my birthday. I just made this dinner to show my gratitude for you." Rin stood up and slowly walked towards her Papa. "You manage to take care of me by yourself, and always do your best for me. I am very grateful for that. No one can ever replace you. My Papa forever." Rin then pecked her Papa's cheek. "I just want you to know that you are so special for me. Please forgive me for all my wrongdoings Papa." Rin's body shook trying to hold the tears from spilling.

"Rin...." The man called out her daughter's name. 'Something is wrong.' He thought to himself. "You are acting strange. Are you okay?" He asked feeling concerned.

Rin shook her head. "A lot of thing is wrong in this world Papa." She stated in a low voice but enough for her Papa to listen.

The man stood up from the dining table and hugged his daughter. "It's okay Rin you can tell me everything. What is wrong? I will correct it for you if I can." He stroke his daughter short blonde hair softly while another hand held Rin tenderly. He really loved Rin and only wished for her happiness.

Rin leaned her head to his Papa's chest. "Thank you Papa. But you will be very upset if I tell you. However, I also think it will be wrong for me to keep this secret from you." She freed herself from her Papa's embrace and took a step back. She held her Papa's hands in hers. "I have broke my promise with you Papa." Rin said.

Her Papa just stand there looking puzzled. "It's okay Rin, I can forgive you. Don't be so sad about a promise." He tried to coax Rin. He was still clueless about which promise Rin broke.

"Papa, the promise I broke was not a normal promise." Rin paused and looked at her father's eyes.

"What do you mean?" Her father's asked feeling worried.

"The first promise I broke was, I accidentally went too far into the forest. As a result I was lost. When I was lost I met a wolf, and that was the second promise I broke. The wolf helped me to find my way home." Rin stared into his father's eyes to see his reaction.

"B-but you are fine now. It's okay Rin, as long as you are unharmed, I can forgive you for breaking your promise." The man stuttered.

"Papa." Rin called her father to have his attention. "It had been more than 10 years now since I first met the wolf. I love him Papa." Rin finally told him her secret.

A/N: Hello thanks for still reading this fan fiction... I am very grateful for every reads, votes and comments I get from the readers. I am trying to improve my writing skill, so please comment or message to me so that I can hear your opinion about this fan fiction. I am not very good with grammar and my vocabulary is quite limited but I am trying to be a better writer... Oh! And I am very sorry for the late update... I have limited time to update this fan fiction regularly... But as what I said before, I planned to complete this story because I already have the complete plot.

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