Touch (Edited)

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After Rin said lets meet again yesterday, Len was sure she will walk this path again. His heart leapt with excitement whenever he thought about it. He felt like he could spend most of his times with her without feeling bored at all. 'We had a lot of similarities that help us to understand each other nicely even though we had just known each other in such a short time.' Len said to himself.

Len leaned on the tree trunk. It was the same tree they both spent time together by yesterday. Talking and laughing, innocently. Len's ears caught Rin's footsteps. He just knew that the footsteps belongs to her after meeting Rin for a few times. He knew that Rin was walking closer towards his direction.

Len climbed up the tree as fast as he could. He wanted to pull a prank on Rin. He giggled as he imagined Rin's surprised face. 'It will be priceless.' he smirked. Len was very sure that his plan was flawless.

As Rin saw the tree where she hung out with Len yesterday, her blue eyes kept searching around. Rin however, could not see Len anywhere nearby. She kept on walking while searching until she stood right under the tree. She sighed as she could not see the werewolf she was looking for. "Am I too early?" Rin questioned herself. Rin then, sat down under the tree and leaned on it. She rearranged the food she brought in her small basket.


Len suddenly jumped down from the tree branch and landed right in front of Rin. 

"AAAAaaaaaaa~" Rin shouted. She shut her eyes tightly and her arms were put on defensive pose by reflex. She was seriously shocked when something fell right in front of her that she didn't open her eyes for a while.

His thin and pink lips curved upwards feeling satisfied with Rin's reaction. "Hahahaha... it's pfft... me Rin. Open your eyes now pfffttt." Len said while trying to hold in his laughter. Rin's reaction was super funny and cute after all. 'That was cute.' Len thought to himself.

Rin recognised the owner of the voice. Her eyes shot open and she frowned. Rin was fuming with anger when she discovered that Len was trying to surprise her on purpose. She glared angrily at the figure standing in front of her. 'Tch~ he doesn't even look sorry for surprising the hell out of me' Rin thought t herself and pouted.  "Why did you do that?" Rin yelled. 

Len started to panicked when Rin rose up her voice. "Don't be angry Rin..." Len sweat dropped. He tried to calm Rin down and slow talk to her. " To be honest, I just want to see your face when you are shocked." Len explained his reason for the action he did earlier. "And... I think it is impossible to see your shocked face if I tell you what I am going to do... Right?"


Rin pout. Len's explanation meant nothing to her.  She was still upset with Len's action earlier.

Guilt was building up in Len as Rin didn't give him any respond. Rin didn't even look at his direction. "Gomen (sorry) Rin." Len said and bowed down. He was desperate as he did not want to lose a friend just because of the stupid prank. "I promise I will never do that again." He was still bowing.

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