Open Up Your Eyes

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Review: Sora's hand was shaking. His hand still held the knife in his grip. The knife that was clean before, now soaked with blood. Sora threw the knife away and held his head with his blood stained hand. "Argh!!!" He shouted like a crazy man with his tears gushed down his face. In front of him now lies the body covered in blood.


Len was shocked. He knew who was lying on the ground covered in blood. "Rin!" Len shouted. His tears won't even come out from the shock. His body trembled in anger.

A distance howling from a wolf then can be heard by Len before he was about to lose his control. "Leader?" He whispered to himself. Another howling by the other wolf then can be heard by him and the rest of the villagers. 'Do they know about what has happened?' Len asked himself.

The villagers who was still right in their mind realised what had happened. "Run! Run!" Someone shouted. The villagers then dropped their weapons and everything before they ran for their life. Soon, the other werewolf would came to save Len. Sora however still kneeling on the ground. His mind went blank after he saw what he did.

"Rin..." a weak voice called out for Rin. He was crawling towards Rin's direction. "My sweetheart, please open your eyes. Don't leave me living alone in this world Rin." He cried as he moved closer towards his daughter direction. Rin's Papa was badly injured. He was accused by the villagers that he abetted with Rin to attack the village. He finally reached Rin. He lifted Rin's body while hugging her in his arm and cried himself out. "Please open up your eyes Rin. Don't leave me alone." He said.

Len can't utter any word. He was still tied to the pole. His tears silently streamed down his face. His other half was in a grave danger. "Help! Please save Rin." He shouted. "Somebody... please treat Rin." He shouted again.

However, no one answered him. He clenched his fist in frustration. "Is there nothing he can do?" Len asked himself.

Rin's Papa was hugging her tightly as he didn't want Rin to leave his side. He was ready to give up his life. If only he could change his place with Rin.

"Does Rin still have the apple she took from the forest with her?" A guy with blue hair and a pair of wolf ear asked. He suddenly appeared in the scene. No one noticed him until he actually spoken.

"Kaito!" Len shouted he didn't expect Kaito to be at the scene first. "We still have it. Why?"

"Make her eat that apple. It can save her." Kaito said as he walked towards Len's direction to unchain him. "I can't believe you still can shout for help when you are chained with silver." He commented as he unchained Len.

Len fell to the ground as he was released from the chain. "Thanks Kaito." Len said. Len then slowly walked towards Rin and her Papa's direction.

The whole pack of wolves then arrived at the scene. A beautiful werewolf with long blonde hair was feeling relieved to see that Len was safe even though he was badly injured. Then, she saw a girl covered in blood. That girl being hugged by a man. From the situation, she judged that, the girl was injured because she tried to save Len. 'Looks like you found yourself someone who love you more than herself Len' she thought to herself. She stood there with the rest of the wolves watching Len getting closer to the unconscious girl.

"Sir..." Len called Rin's Papa to have his attention. "May I?" Len asked as he held out his hand to reach for Rin.

Rin's Papa just nodded and gave Rin to Len. Len reached for the apple fruit in his pocket. It was the apple that Rin plucked before. "I am sorry that I have to do this when you are unconscious Rin." Len said. He took bite of the apple fruit and then he leaned down reaching for Rin's mouth, to make sure she ate all the apple fruit. He transfered the apple fruit in his mouth into Rin's. 'Please wake up Rin!' Len desperately hope that Rin will wake up.

 'Please wake up Rin!' Len desperately hope that Rin will wake up

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Sora who was completely not in his right mind. He was fascinated by the scene of Len kissing Rin to wake her up. "I see~. I am not Rin's prince, Len is her prince." Sora mumbled to himself. "This is weird. I thought we are in the red riding hood story, but for some reason it feels like the sleeping beauty story now." Sora commented.

"So, he is completely crazy now by thinking we are in a story." Kaito said when he heard Sora's words.

After a few moments, Len then pulled away from Rin. "Rin..." he called.

"Sweetheart... please open your eyes." Rin's Papa said.

Rin then slowly opened her eyes and the wound started to heal fast. "Len..." Rin said as she opened her eyes. She then moved her head to the left, "Papa..." she said as she looked at his bruised face.

A/N: You know, I am surprised that I can actually finish this short story. Ofc I had been thinking about giving up this story well... because you know... lack of motivation? My friends who said this story was boring, my friends who keep promising to me that they will read the story but never actually read. I don't want to force anyone reading this story of course... but don't promise because it makes me hope for it. So, I am thankful that people who are not very close to me actually supporting this story more than my friends who I thought I can rely on. Maybe the next update will be the last chapter for this short story... thanks for all the support. I really appreciate it 😊😊😊😊😊

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