For Rin Happiness

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review: "I must report about what had happened to the pack leader. Len, why did you fall in love with a human?" A wolf said and left the scene feeling sad that he can't do nothing about what had happened.



A bucket of cold water greeted Len's beaten up face.

"Oi! wake up!" Sora yelled. He slowly stepped closer towards Len direction.

Len tried to open his swollen eye lids to see his surrounding. His vision was not very clear at first but he can tell that someone was walking towards him and he was being surrounded by so many people. He tried to move both his legs and hands, however he had been tied up to a pole. When his vision finally back, he saw the guy that was called as Sora in front of him.

"Have a nice rest don't you?" Sora asked. His words clearly laced with loathe towards Len. He was looking at Len with a pair of eyes full with disgust.

Len inspected his surroundings and came out with a conclusion that he was at Rin's village. "Where is Rin? Is she alright?" Len asked. He was deeply worried that Rin might get injured from all those fights back then.

Sora clenched his fist. He was about to burst out in anger and punched Len in the face, however he suddenly got an idea of something that might hurt Len more effectively. He smirked "after we knocked you out Rin realised that she was wrong for falling in love with you. She came to a sudden realisation that you are weak and will only bring bad luck in her life. So, she accepted my proposal and we will get marry as soon as we dispose you off." He paused to have a look at Len's reaction. "It was so stupid of you Len to compete with me. Of course Rin will choose me over you. I am the first son of a noble in this village. I can give Rin whatever she want and I can make her happy." Sora boasted about himself. He didn't even care of what the villagers will think about him.

"I am happy just to know that she is alright." Len said looking relieved. A small smile appeared on his face. 'I have told you this Rin, if we both can't get the happy ending... I am fine as long as I can protect that smile of yours. I am satisfied with only that.' Len thought to himself. (A/N: Enough of this bullsh*t Len -_- You always want to protect Rin by sacrificing yourself! As a fan I got a piece of advice... Rin happiness is you Len!!!)

Sora was displeased to see Len's reaction. He dashed towards one of the villagers and snatched a silver knife away from him. "Don't get too full of yourself you cocky bastard!!!" Sora shouted angrily at Len. "Rin is mine! I can't forgive you for trying to take her away from me!" He let himself to be engulfed by the anger and hatred feelings toward Len. He threatened Len by pointing the knife in his hand towards Len direction.

"I am not-" Len's words had been cut off by Sora's shout.

"Shut up!!! I don't want to hear anything from a creature like you. So, please do me a favour and die in my hand!" Sora said as he raised his hand with knife high in the air and tried to stabbed Len.

Len shut his eyes and wait for the cold and sharp knife to slash his flesh. However, he still can't feel anything even after a few second passed. He slowly open his eyes only to see Sora's pale face.

Sora's hand was shaking. His hand still held the knife in his grip. The knife that was clean before, now soaked with blood. Sora threw the knife away and held his head with his blood stained hand. "Argh!!!" He shouted like a crazy man with his tears gushed down his face. In front of him now lies the body covered in blood.

A/N: I hope you like this chapter. This short story will end in a few more chapters. I super grateful for all the votes, comments and share from the readers.

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