Forbidden Fruit

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Rin had finished her task at home earlier that day. Rin promised to meet Len in the evening at the usual spot. While humming, she combed her hair neatly and put on her hairpin. She took her small basket filled with some sandwiches and put on her red cloak. 'I can't wait to see Len today.' Rin thought to herself.

Rin reached out for the doorknob and pushed the door open. She was still humming while skipping her way out, heading into the woods. After knowing Len for years, and being friend with him, Rin's love for Len grew deeper. Rin now can walk into the woods with her eyes closed.

"Len!" Rin shouted Len's name as she saw him leaning to a tree. Her face glowed in excitement. She walked faster towards Len's direction. Rin was being reckless with her steps that she stumbled upon a tree root. She closed her eyes and wait for the dirty ground to embrace her.

Len's eyes widened. He dashed towards Rin to cushioned her fall. He carefully wrapped his hand around Rin to make sure his sharp nail don't hurt her. He tightened his embrace so that he didn't dropped Rin down. Len then fell to the ground in sitting position with Rin in his arms. "Are you alright Rin?" Len said after the fall.

Rin opened her eyes and nodded. It took a few seconds before she realized she was in Len's arm. Her eyes widened and she pushed Len's away and caused him to lie down on the ground.

"Ouch" Len said as his back met the ground. "Is that my thanks?" Len ask while faking a sad face.

"I-I am sorry." Rin said feeling guilty. "I was shocked, that's why I accidentally pushed you away." She explained. "Let me help you to stand." Rin held out her tiny hand for Len.

Len reached for Rin's hand. However, instead of letting Rin to help him stand, he pulled Rin down and let her lay down besides him. Len let out a small giggled at the sight of Rin trying to keep her balance when he pulled her down.

"Rin." Len called.

"Yes?" Rin responded. She looked at Len.

"Have you ever heard of a fruit named apple? It is a forbidden fruit. Some people said it will cause bad luck for you, but there is also a saying said it can change your destiny." Len turned to his right to face Rin.

Rin blinked and tried to recall something. "I have heard of it. But I never actually see one." Rin answered.

"I have found the apple tree about two weeks ago. The fruits are red and smell nice like what the legend told us." Len paused for a while. "You know that our secret one day will be discovered right? No secret can be kept forever."

Rin nodded.

"I was thinking, what will happen if we eat the apple?" Len said.

"I hope our destiny will change. I mean, maybe we can both be wolf or maybe we can both be human. I wonder if the destiny will change if we eat the fruit." Rin said with a low voice. "Because I dislike the ending where the wolf will be killed in the end."

Len stayed silent. He agree with Rin. Len would be satisfied with just Rin be happy, but if destiny can be change he want to have a happy ending and stay by Rin's side. Just like another characters in fairytale. Len sat up from the lying position and turned his head towards Rin. "Do you want to see the apple tree?" Len asked with a wide grin spread on his face.

Rin sat up right next to him and nodded restlessly. "When can I go to see the apple tree?" She asked.

"We can go there a tomorrow. If we go now, you will be home late." Len said.

"Okay~" Rin smiled.

Groooowwwwlll~ Len's stomach played a pitiful sound asking for food. He smiled sheepishly and rubbed the back of his neck. His cheek was very red.

After a moment, they were both laughing at the awkward moment.

"I bring some sandwi..." Rin paused and gasped to see some of the sandwiches already fell to the ground when she tripped earlier. "Oh no!!! Len some of the sandwiches already fell to the ground." Her words were laced with a hint of sadness.

Len picked up one of the sandwiches and started to eat it.

"Len. You will get stomachache. Don't eat that." Rin tried to take the sandwich away from Len.

Len raised his hand with sandwich high to the air.

Rin stood with only her toes to take the sandwich away, but Len was too tall for her.

Len chuckled at the sight. "Let me eat this Rin. Your sandwiches will never make me sick." He winked while trying to dodge Rin's attempt to snatch the sandwiches away.

After a few trials, Rin gave up. "Hmph. It will be your own fault if you get sick. I already warned you."

Len laughed and continued to eat the sandwiches.

A/N: 853 words. Sorry for the late update. I was very busy lately... 3 lab reports every week, test, assignment and so on... But I planned to finish this fan fiction. I have a complete storyline so it will be a waste if I don't finish this. Thanks for reading ❤❤❤

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