Shiny Red Fruit

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Review: Somewhere in a dark place, where the only light source was a candle, "Silver chain.... check, silver weapon.... check, perfume with strong fragrance.... check, hurm.... the only thing that left now are the angry villagers." The figure smiled wickedly. "Rin, the beautiful lady will be mine. Put her on edge and make sure she has nowhere else to go but to cling desperately to me. I can't wait for that moment to come true." He then laughed thinking about how perfect his plan can be.

The sun rose and shined, telling that another day had started. Rin was very excited because later, she would be able to see the forbidden tree together with Len. She can't help herself but to wonder about what would happen if she ate the fruit together with Len.

To pass the time, Rin finished all the house chores. She diligently swept and rubbed every corner of the house until it was sparkle clean.

After she cleaned the house, she glanced at the clock. 'Hurm, I still have about 1 hour left before the promised time.' Rin then let out a sigh and sat on a chair at the kitchen. She smiled to herself. She was very glad now that Papa already acknowledge the relationship she had with the wolf. Her eyelids became heavy. Out of tiredness she fell asleep on the chair with her head leaned on the table.

Rin slept in for about almost an hour. She jolted from her current sleeping position out of shocked. "No way, I am going to be late!" Rin rushed to tend herself. She had to make sure that she looked at least presentable. "How could this happened when I was feeling excited? And it felt like I was just closing my eyes for a while but I actually slept for almost one hour? Wow unbelievable" she finished tending herself while she was muttering about how she overslept on such an important day.

Rin rushed out of her house and headed into the woods. 'Len must be waiting right now' Rin thought to herself. After walking for a while, she saw Len waiting for her at the usual place they were meeting.

"Yo!" Len rose up his hand and greeted Rin. He was grinning widely at Rin. "You are late today." Len said.

"Sorry, I fell asleep just now. How long have you wait for me?" Rin asked. She was feeling guilty for making Len wait.

Len patted Rin's head. "It's okay. I can always wait for you Rin." He stared at Rin's guilty face before he said "should we go now?".

Rin nodded in response to Len question.

They both started to walk deeper into the forest. Walking hand in hand. Rin wasn't scared of Len's sharp nails. Because she was sure that, those sharp nails were meant to protect her.

"Len." Rin silently called for Len.

"Yes?" He responded.

"Nothing, I just feel like calling your name." Rin explained.

"Really? Hahaha... that was cute Rin." Len laughed feeling happy.

Rin blushed at Len's words and looked away from Len. 'I will tell Len that Papa already acknowledge our relationship later. Under the apple tree.' Rin thought.

"We are almost there Rin." Len said.

Rin just nodded.

They walked for about another 15 minutes before they finally there. Before their eyes was a big tree with a lot of red fruits.

Rin was mesmerised by the scenery in front of her. The tree that she wanted to see for such a long time now in front of her. She slowly walked towards the apple tree and plucked one of the fruit. It was shiny red. Rin then turned her head to look at Len.

"Beautiful isn't it?" Len asked.

"Yes. Thank you Len for bringing me here." Rin hugged Len. "Len, my Papa. He already acknowledge our relationship." Rin silently whispered to Len, still hugging him.

"Really? I am happy to hear that." Len said. His ears suddenly twitched. "Rin, my ears caught some suspicious sounds. Calm down, let's act like nothing happened." Len then let go of the hug.

Rin tried her best to smile and act like nothing happened.

Len sharpen his sense to detect where the suspicious sounds came from.

"Just give up wolf! We already surrounded this area. You have nowhere to escape." An unfamiliar voice spoke out. Then, everyone that was hiding before showed up themselves and stepping closer towards Len and Rin.

Len pushed Rin behind his back. His face became furious. "Stay away from us!" Len threatened those people with his sharp claws and fangs."

That was the first time Rin saw Len grew his claws and fangs. Unexpectedly she didn't fear those fangs and claws, but she felt safe instead. Rin knew all these people. They were all the people from her village. "Stop! Len is not dangerous. What do you think you are doing?" Rin shout out.

"Rin, you must had been deceived by the wolf. What a poor thing." A guy with hazel eyes said.

Rin recognised that guy. "Sora! Stop this. Len never harm anyone." Rin said.

The angry villagers then started to attack Len when Rin was talking to Sora. Len was a strong wolf. He managed to put up with all the attacks without killing any of the villagers. However, there were so many of them. It was the matter of time until Len grew tired.

A/N: hello guys.. had been a long time since the last update. I am back from my hiatus. I will try to update this story as soon as possible starting today :') thank you for those who are still reading this fanfiction. 901 words including the review.

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