Special dinner

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"Papa." Rin called her father to have his attention. "It had been more than 10 years now since I first met the wolf. I love him Papa." Rin finally told him her secret.


The man was speechless. His mind went blank for a moment. He wanted to deceive himself that he was hearing it wrong. "Hahaha." The man chuckled half heartedly. "I think I am too tired today Rin. I think I heard you wrong before." The handsome man took off his glasses and rubbed his nose bridge.

Rin stared at her Papa with sad eyes. "Papa, you were hearing it right." Rin paused. "Papa, I love you but the wolf is also very precious to me." Rin explained herself.

"Rin, Please think again. There are a lot of other human who fell in love with you. You are so pretty." The man tried to coax Rin to change her mind.

"Papa, its useless. I don't love any other guy. I can't be happy if I get in relationship with people who I don't love." Rin said softly. She was trying her best to convince her father. "You can understand what I mean right Papa? The reason why you don't get married with another woman after Mom was dead because you only loved her right? I am sure it was hard for you to raise me up alone without a woman help. But you only loved Mom, so you don't even bother to get married again. I believe you can understand me better than anyone else about this matter." Rin lifted up her Papa's face so that she can look at him in his eyes.

His eyes filled with tears. He took his daughter's hand and placed it against his cheek. "I understand that Rin. I can understand you. But, this love we are talking about is a forbidden love. The villagers might labelled you as a traitor. To make it worst, you might be punish." His tears rolled down his cheek. He, who most of the time looked so strong was weeping helplessly in front of his daughter. "I want you to be happy Rin. Please try to forget the wolf."

Rin wiped off her Papa's tears. "Papa, please stop crying. I am well aware of the situation and the consequences. I just want you to know about this from me and not from the other villagers." Rin clenched her Papa's hand. "Don't worry about me. I am ready for anything. I am going to put some fight for this love." She smiled widely.

Rin's smiling face eased the man anxiety a bit. Her smile shined his life like no others. His daughter was a prove for his and his late wife love. He wanted the love to shine brightly forever. "I...." he wiped off his tears and smiled sincerely before continue "I acknowledge and admire this loved of yours."

Rin hugged her Papa. "Thanks Papa. I love you. Thank you for everything. Please remember whatever will happen later, I love you and that will never change. My one and only Papa forever." Rin let go off the hug.

He then stood up and took a sit at the dining table. "I should celebrate this. My daughter finally met her another half." He cheered. His face was still stained with dry tears but he was smiling happily for his daughter. "Even though this is hard for me, I am going to support you my sunshine. You are the prove of love between me and your late mother. Please shine brightly forever Rin." He smiled.

Rin smiled. "Thanks Papa." Rin took her seat and looked at his Papa. "Tonight, we are going to have a special dinner Papa. It is a special dinner between a daughter and her Papa." Rin chuckled at her own statement.

"We are going to celebrate your first love." He stated. "It will be nice if I can meet the wolf boy first. However I think it will be risky for him to come here." He thought loudly.

"Maybe I can bring you to him." Rin gave her Papa an idea. "However, I need to tell him first before I bring you together with me into the woods. He might be shocked if you suddenly appear with me." Rin said.

He nodded in agreement. "That sounds like a wise idea." He said.


Somewhere in a dark place, where the only light source was a candle, "Silver chain.... check, silver weapon.... check, perfume with strong fragrance.... check, hurm.... the only thing that left now are the angry villagers." The figure smiled wickedly. "Rin, the beautiful lady will be mine. Put her on edge and make sure she has nowhere else to go but to cling desperately to me. I can't wait for that moment to come true." He then laughed thinking about how perfect his plan can be.

A/N: words count 802 including preview. So, what do you think about this chapter? If you feel angry to the villain character in this chapter, I am able to make the character feel a bit real at least. I might have to go on hiatus for a few months due to overwhelming test, assignment and the final test. Please stay with me dear reader. I will complete this story.

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