Friend (Edited)

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As usual, today I went into the forest again wearing my favourite red cloak. I didn't tell Papa about what had happened yesterday. Knowing him, he might locked me up inside my room because he afraid something bad might happen to me. I can't blame Papa for being a little over protective. My mother died when she gave birth to me. If something bad happen to me, Papa will be very sad.

I remembered the route I took yesterday in the woods. My heart kept telling me to move further into the woods. Am I actually wanting to meet up with Len again?


I was leaning against a tree. It was my favourite spot after all. Ever since I met Rin yesterday, I can't help but to think about her repeatedly. 'Will she take the same route again?' was the only question in my mind. As I started to think about her, my eyes caught fleeing red colour. It was her. Rin!

Normal POV

Len's eyes had caught Rin's figure. He was thinking about the right thing he should do. 'Is it right for us to meet again?' He thought to himself. Again, he felt conflicted. His eyes were tailing Rin's movements. He did not realized that he was sighing a lot of time for not being able to decide about what was the right thing to do.

As Rin walked further into the woods, she noticed that someone was following her for sure. She wondered if the one who had been following her was Len. She stopped walking and sighed before she sat on the ground. She noticed the shadow of the person who followed her and finally she spoke out, "Len, you are suck at hiding. I knew you were tailing me." Rin knew it was Len due to the shape of the shadow formed on the ground. It was a shadow of a child werewolf.

Len slowly popped out his head from behind the tree. "How do you know it was me? what if it was the other wolf?" Len asked and slowly walked his way toward Rin's direction. His eyes were locked at Rin's smiling face. 'physically, we have a few similarities. We both have a pair of deep blue eyes and blonde hair.' Len thought to himself as he studied Rin's frame.

"S-E-C-R-E-T~" Rin spelled out her answer for Len's question. She took out the basket she was hiding behind her back earlier. "Ta-da~" Rin proudly presented her small basket that was overloaded with foods. "I don't have the chance to properly thanked you for your help yesterday. You may eat all of the foods. I cooked this by myself." Rin added.

'The foods look delicious.' Len said to himself. He wanted to taste the food really badly. However he still need to be careful around human. "It is not poisonous right?" Len asked.

Rin sighed. The question hurt her feelings. 'Seriously, how insensitive this boy can be?' Rin thought to herself. "Why don't we eat this together? That way if there is any poison in the food, we will both die." She said.

"I don't like that." Len said in a low voice, but he made sure Rin heard what he said.

"hurm?" Rin hummed.

"Please don't talk about dying Rin. I am sorry if I hurt your feelings. I don't mean it." Len said. "Let's eat what you cooked. They are all look delicious." He smiled.

"I am sure you will be craving for more." Rin said. She was very confident with her cooking skills.

Both of them sat on the ground. Rin placed the basket down and let Len to take one of the foods first. After Len took one of the foods, she smiled before she took another. Silence. It was a pleasant type of silence, where both of the blondes nibbled on their foods.

"You are good at cooking Rin. This is tasty." Len complimented Rin's cooking. "Do you learn it from your mother?" Len asked.

Rin shook her head and smiled. "My mother passed away after giving birth to me. But don't feel bad. I have Papa."

"I am sorry. I don't know." Len silently cursing himself for making assumptions. "I guess I understand you a bit. My father died when I was still a baby. My mother said he was died in an accident." Len said.

"That was tragic. You don't have to tell me if it hurts to do so." Rin's eyes softened.

Len smiled. "I am fine. It happened a long time ago. I just think it will be fair for me to talk about my family since you talked about yours." Len paused. "And I trust you Rin."

Rin blushed. She was very happy to hear that. "T-Thanks, I guess... for trusting me." Rin replied.

Rin and Len kept on talking and laughing as the time passed. Despite the fact that they know each other in such a short time, they already made a great friend. Does being friend with each other will be good for the eleven years old werewolf and human future?

Soon, Rin realised that it was already late and her Papa will be home soon. "Len, let's talk again. Bye~" Rin excused herself and hurried to go back home. As it was getting darker.

A/N: Hello~ thanks for reading. I am glad to have some people looking forward for this fanfic. I am going to be busy again. So, the updates won't be very regular. Please vote, comment and share if you like this. It will motivate me to keep writing lol.

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