Coffee Orders

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Marty sat down across from me, and slid me my coffee, from across the table. I smiled.

"Did you order for me? I..didn't tell you what I wanted." I chuckled. He bit his lip and rubbed the back of his neck, he began to blush as he did earlier.

"Okay Love, so this may sound a bit uh..crazy. But, I know your coffee order. I have it memorized." He explained, his accent as thick as ever.

I chuckled and shook my head. "That's impossible, I order depending on my moo-"

He cut me off.

"When you're tired, you take a double shot of espresso, unless you're trying to fall back asleep, in that case you'll have tea. Past noon is a frappuccino, when you're stressed, well.." He smiled softly, as he gestured to the drink in front of me.

"Iced vanilla latte, with almond milk." He sighed.

My eyes widened, and his face grew even more red.

"I realize how unbelievably pathetic this makes me look. So, please don't make fun of me, because I don't think I can feel worse about this." He chuckled.

I smiled, and grabbed his hand from across the table. "No, I don't think it's pathetic. It's sweet. We're friends. It's normal of you to know it." I noticed him glance down at my hand for a second.

I pulled it away after that, I don't really know why, it just started to feel awkward.

"We should probably go. Should we get something for the others?" I asked as I stood to me feet. He did the same, and shook his head. "Nah, if they wanted something they could've came with us." I smiled, and walked outside.

He stayed behind for a second.

"Also..I don't know their order.." He mumbled with a small smile, before putting on sunglasses, and following me out.

We met up with Kenny, Matt, Nick, and Cody back at the hotel. They were in the middle of a live video when we walked in.

"Hey, it's Marty and Y/N!" Matt smiled. I waved at the camera, as Marty took a seat. "Where have you guys been?"

Marty cocked his eyebrow. "We went to get coffee, knew this." He explained, a confused tone in his voice.

I was just as confused he was, they knew exactly where we were going, so why ask again? I looked at Kenny, who was leaning up against the wall with his arms crossed.

I gave him a puzzled look, hoping he'd maybe explain what Matt's problem was. He just gave me a smirk, and mouthed something I couldn't quite make out.

"Ah, that's right. They wanted to be alone." Matt replied.

Kenny chuckled. "Pfft. Like there's a point to that..I've shared a room with them before. You guys have no problem doing it when you think I'm asleep, but we aren't allowed to tag along on dates?"

I promise you, it felt like time stopped. Now I realized what he'd mouthed to me.

'I lied.'

Marty shook his head frantically, as the rest of the guys laughed. Before either of us could deny anything Matt said they were all out of time, and stopped the video.

I clenched my fists as I looked at Kenny, The Bucks, and Cody. Matt tried to explain, but before he could even open his mouth, I cut him off.

"No. Shut up. I'm done with you a*sholes." I hissed as I grabbed my stuff, I looked at Kenny.

"F*ck you Omega." I growled, as I stormed out and slammed the door behind me.

After I left Kenny rolled his eyes and scoffed. "She can be such a psycho."

Marty grabbed him by his shirt, and yanked him back towards him. "No, she's right. F*ck you Omega." He said in a tone none of those guys had ever heard him use before. His accent, thick and raspy. He pushed Kenny back so hard he almost fell, then he stormed out as well.

I decided to go for a walk, and try to call Adam, who of course, given my luck, would not answer his phone.

I was so frustrated, that I broke down on the sidewalk outside of the hotel, and started crying in front of a bunch of strangers.

"Y/N?" I heard a familiar voice say, thankfully it belonged to Marty and not one of the others. He ran over to me, an apologetic look on his face, as he knelt down next to me, and helped me to my feet.

"Let's get you inside Love."

Of course I had to get another hotel room, there was no way I was gonna share one with Kenny.

I went to my new room and just stared at my phone, waiting for Adam's name to pop up on my phone screen, for hours. Eventually, just as it was getting dark I heard a knock on my door.

It was just Marty, so I let him in. He handed me a coffee, and I cocked my head, and looked at him with a confused expression.

He cleared his throat. "Hot coffee, with Irish whiskey, and whipped cream.." He smiled, I wiped my eyes as a small smile crept on my face, and I took it.

"That's my 'sad' drink." I chuckled.

He shut the door behind him and nodded. "Are you feeling any better? I mean..I doubt anyone's really talking about it." He said trying to make me feel better about the whole situation, as he took his phone out to check social media.

His eyes widened, and his mouth fell ajar.

"What is it?" I asked, as I took his phone out of his hands. My expression matched his when I saw it.

It was a tweet that Adam posted. It was the picture that I'd taken with him the last time I saw him. The caption with it read:

'I guess I'm Mr. Steal Your Girl now... ;-)'

This, was not good...

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