Two Guys, Two Rings, One Fight

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I woke up next to Marty, I guess he came in at some point during the night.

I tried to get of bed, only to have him pull me close to him. His eyes open slightly, considering he was still tired, he looked upset. I knew that was partially my fault.

"Do you..actually miss him?" He asked, a hushed tone in his voice.

I turned to face Marty, as he kept his arms wrapped around me.

I brushed his hair back, and cupped his face. "Yeah. I do. But not in the way he made it out to be. I told him I missed having him around as a friend. Marty, I love you. You know that."

"I do..but why tell him that? It's not like he needed to hear it. The guy already gets anyfing he wants. Living here, the storyline, why would he need to hear you say that you miss him Love?"

"It wasn't anything like that." I stated.

Oh great. Now I'm lying to Marty. Always a great start.

He nodded. "Okay Love. If you say so."

I kissed him softly, and smiled. "I need a coffee." I chuckled, before climbing out of bed, and going into the kitchen.

And of course, Adam was already there. He slid me a cup of coffee, but kept a blank expression as he did so.

"What's this?" I asked, as I cleared my throat.

"You're stressed. It's a vanilla latte with almond milk. From the place down the street. I know you love it there." He replied.

I rolled my eyes, and scoffed. "Sorry. I don't feel comfortable talking to you. Should I just invite everyone else in here now? Considering you're just gonna tell everyone what I say anyway." I stated.

A sarcastic smirk grew on his face. "Ah, there it is! Look, babe-"

"Don't call me that." I cut him off, he rolled his eyes.

"Look Y/N," He corrected himself. "I'm sorry about last night-"

I held up my hand to cut him off. "No need to apologize. I shouldn't have expected you, to choose me, over revenge. H*ll, you didn't even do that when we were together."

"That's not fair! Is Marty getting the third degree from you? Oh wait, no probably not." He started, before he began to mock my facial expression and voice. "I don't know why I'd expect you do give him a least partial blame. H*ll you didn't even do that when we were together."

Before I could answer him, I remembered I had people in my house who were still trying to sleep, I rolled my eyes, and grabbed Adam's hand before dragging him out to the balcony.

"And why are we out here?" He asked sarcastically, as he crossed his arms.

I rolled my eyes. "Because I'm about to start yelling at you, and I don't was an audience. The last thing you need is more attention." I started, before rubbing the temples of my head.

"You really don't understand why I'm more upset with you than I am with him? Adam..I was trying to trust you. And you showed me that I shouldn't."

"I'm sure you told Marty what I said.." He mumbled.

I shook my head. "No. I didn't. Because I'm not you. What you said was personal. You said it to me, not to him, he has nothing to do with it. Why would I tell him? You know why me and you don't work? Why we'll never work?"

He looked at the ground, and said nothing.

"Because you're stubborn. You won't admit when you're wrong. Me and you? We'd still be together if you had just admitted you were wrong when you posted that stupid tweet. Or if you'd just talked to me first. And the second, I think could actually give you a second chance, you do that-"

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