Old Habits

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I woke up next to Page, I guess we fell asleep talking. He was probably exhausted, so I let him sleep, and left the room.

Adam was watching TV in the living room, and smiled softly, as he turned off the TV.

"Can I talk to you?" He asked. I sighed, and nodded, before sitting next to him.

"What's this about?" I asked, already knowing what the answer probably was.

"I just wanted to say, I'm sorry. I know you probably blame me-" He started, but I cut him off.

"Stop. Okay? Just..please don't. I don't wanna cry again, especially not in front of you." I stated dryly, he frowned, and nodded slowly, deciding to drop it.

I instantly felt bad, especially after what Page had told me Adam said.

"I'm sorry." I sighed, and he just smiled at me.

"So..you kept it?" He asked, as he showed me the ring. "After everything..you took it with you?"

I cleared my throat. "You want it back?" I replied, smirking slightly.

He breathed a laugh, and shook his head. "No, but I will borrow it. I promise to give it back to you later." He winked.

I chuckled and shook my head. "What if I don't want it back?"

He bit his lip. "Oh please Babe, you already want it back. The setting isn't right though. But I can wait."

I scoffed, and rolled my eyes. "Bite me Adam."

He smirked. "Sure thing. Where?"

I cocked my head, and my mind went blank, I honestly couldn't think of a response.

"Oh..so now you're shy?" He asked, still smirking.

I looked at his lips for a split second, and he must've noticed it, because his eyes widened, and his smirk grew ear to ear. He started to lean in, Matt came down the hall.

"Ugh! This is our last day.." He sighed, and I turned my attention to him, and stood. Adam's smirk faded, as he let his head fall against the back of the couch.

"Do you really wanna stay any longer?" Adam asked, an annoyed tone in his voice.

Matt shrugged. "Well, I don't wanna pack. I know that."

Adam rolled his eyes. "Let me rephrase that, I don't want you to stay any longer."

Before Matt could answer him, Cody, Kenny, and Brandi walked in, holding coffee for everyone, and Nick came down the hall as well.

Cody smiled, and handed me one. "Adam told us what to get you, by the way." He stated, before glancing at Matt, who just rolled his eyes.

I took a sip, and tasted espresso.

"What makes you think I'm tired?" I asked, looking at Adam.

"Well, you were talking to Page all night, because he fell asleep in your room, you usually aren't upset after talking to him, so that rules out the 'sad' drink. Plus, you're adorable when you're tired." He smiled.

Nick and Cody smiled at each other, and Matt scoffed.

"Well, I remember how tired she was when she was with you. Considering she had to go back and forth from your hotel and hers. You know, because she was actually trying. I can't be the only one that remembers that, right?" Matt asked, as he looked from Nick to Cody, and smirked.

"Well, Matthew. For one, that is not the reason she was tired..I assure you. And also, if given the chance, I'd make sure she never had to do anything that ridiculous again. The only reason she had to, was because of you guys and your 'kayfabe' rule if I'm not mistaken." Adam replied.

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