Anything Can Happen

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Do you ever wake up, and everything feels okay, for just a second? But then, everything hits you like a wrecking ball, and you realize that your life is falling apart?

Well, I do.

I looked around my room, and there was the ring box on the ground. I swallowed the lump in my throat. Man, missing him was killing me. I wonder if he was still in town?

I doubt it, why would he be? Wouldn't he wanna leave as soon as possible?


Kenny heard a knock on his hotel room door, he let out a relieved sigh, hoping it'd be me or Marty.

"Look I know-Adam?" Kenny said, as he opened the door, and his mouth fell ajar.

Adam smirked and cocked his head. "Miss me?" He walked inside, and shut the door behind him. Kenny rolled his eyes.

"Don't do anything stupid Adam." He replied a cocky tone in his voice. Adam cleared his throat, as he looked his at one time, friend in the eyes. "Do you remember, when I came to you a few years ago? And, I asked you for your help?"

Kenny let out a sigh, and nodded. He remembered it very well.

"You helped me find her a ring. And last night, I tried to fix the damage that you caused. And she broke up with me."

Kenny cleared his throat, and let out a sigh. "I don't know what to say dude. I really don't." He shrugged.

"Are you kidding me?! That's your response?! Why would you do this to me Ken? Why?!" He exclaimed.

"Because Adam. Relationships ruin careers. I know it may not seem like it, but Y/N is my friend and I did what was best for her." Kenny explained.

"You don't get to decide what's best for her Kenny!" Adam exclaimed getting in his face.

Kenny scoffed. "Oh and you do? Excuse me, but at least what I did was for her. You tweeted that stupid picture because of what a few fans thought. Don't blame me, because you're insecure Adam."

He replied, as he pushed Adam away from him. He turned to walk out the door, and Adam grabbed him by the back of the head, and slammed his face into the door before he could even touch the doorknob.

He kept doing it until he saw blood, then he dropped Kenny on the ground, and left.

I called Marty. It may have been a dumb idea, but he told me to do so, and I wanted to see him. He was the only friend I had at the moment. I let him in, and he wore that smile that same he always did when we hung out.

"Are you okay?" He asked. I shook my head.

"No. Me and Adam broke up last night." I explained, as I wiped a tear from my eye. I really didn't wanna cry again. I don't think I can handle it.

He sat on my bed next to me, and placed a hand on my knee.

"Look Love, if Adam broke up with you because of a misunderstanding, then that's his problem. He's an idiot." He explained. I breathed a laugh.

"No..I broke up with him. I'm the idiot."

He looked a bit shocked for a second, but then he smiled, and put his arm around me, and I leaned into his chest, as he ran his hands through my hair.

"You an idiot? Never."


Adam was about to leave, he was storming through the lobby, not even looking up or paying attention to anyone. Because of this he collided with another body.

"Watch it!" Adam hissed.

"Adam?" A familiar voice said, Adam looked up to see Matt and Nick. But, he didn't say anything to them, he just rolled his eyes, and tried to walk pass them. But they stopped him.

"Dude, what's wrong? Why're you here?" Nick asked. Adam rolled his eyes, and wiped his face, before explaining everything to the brothers.

Matt and Nick looked at each other, and then back at Adam.

"Look..we didn't know it was gonna go this far. We're sorry." Matt replied, as he placed a hand on Adam's shoulder. Nick looked around the lobby, before suggesting going somewhere else to talk about this, since they didn't want any of this leaked.

So, they went to their hotel room to talk it out.


It may be a bit weird, and believe me, I realize this. But, I felt some kind of comfort with Marty. He felt warm, it was something I couldn't really explain. I could've stayed there with him for hours, if I hadn't heard my phone ding.

I sat up away from Marty to check it, I smiled when I saw who it was.

It was one of my best friends, and a fellow member of the BC, Hangman Adam Page.

I hadn't seen him for a while, and we desperately needed to catch up. He was back in town and wanted to know what was going on with all this Twitter drama.

"Everything alright Love?"

Marty asked, with a smile, as he leaned back on my bed, using his hands for support. I nodded, and smiled as I stood and grabbed my jacket. "Yeah, it's just Hangman. I'm gonna go meet up with him, fill him in on everything."

He nodded. "Hey Love? You mind if I crash here, I didn't sleep at all." He chuckled. I shrugged, as I pulled my hair up into a loose fitting bun.

"Go ahead. I'll see you later." I waved, as I walked out.

I met up with Hangman at the training center, and greeted him with a hug. He smiled.

"So, fill me in. What's all of this drama I'm hearing about?" He asked, as he crossed his arms.

I took a deep breath and started from the beginning. When I was finally done with my story, I noticed him smiling. I cocked my head.

"What's with the smile Page?"

He shook his head. "It's nothing. So, Marty's been a real help through all this hmm?" He asked. I nodded and smiled.

"Yeah, he's been great."

Hangman chuckled. And I rolled my eyes. "Page, what is it?" I asked, becoming very confused. He let out a sigh.

"Okay, I wasn't gonna say anything but..please, tell me that you realize that Marty is totally in love with you?"

My mouth fell ajar and I shook my head, in shock that he'd even say something like that.

"No he isn't! We're just friends." I explained. He just shrugged, and smiled.

"If you say so.."

I hung out with Page all day, before returning to my hotel room. Marty was waiting there, he'd just woken up from a much needed nap, and smiled with tired eyes when he saw me.

I smiled back at him, then thought about what Page had said.

That's when it hit me, there was definitely something different about me and Marty's friendship.

I thought back, from the first time he stood up for me, then the words he never got to say at the gym.

The time he choked on the words 'Y/N has a boyfriend.'

How he's memorized my coffee orders, and how he took my side on everything, the way he reacted when I touched his hand.

And most importantly, I remembered how he treated me last night. How there was something he wanted to say, but didn't-but couldn't.

Maybe it was time I knew what it was.

"Marty?" I asked. He looked up at me, that same smile on his face.

"Yes Love?"

I took a deep breath.

"Are you in love with me?"

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