Meeting With The Boss

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My talk with Adam had me a bit shaken up. I'm not sure why, but I couldn't let him know that. Considering that was his plan.

Later on that day, when everyone was awake, I was mentally preparing myself to find out what brand I'd be on, and what brand Adam would be on. I can't ask to be on a different one.

But if we were on the same brand, we'd be around each other all the time.

I kept staring at my phone, waiting for the email from Hunter. We'd been talking it over for weeks, and he said he'd email me when he made the decision.

I refreshed the page for what felt like the millionth time, and I heard Kenny chuckle from behind me.

"If you keep refreshing it like that, you're gonna break it. Just relax."

Marty smiled. "I tried telling her that. She refuses to listen."

I let out a sigh. "Well, it is like the most important email I've ever gotten." I replied, not looking up from my phone, that is until Page took it out of my hand.

"Be with the friends who are here Y/N." He chuckled.

I took a deep breath and smiled. "Yeah. You're right. I've just got a lot on my mind."

Which I did. Not just my job, but that was at least half of it. All the fighting going on in my house, plus, well Adam.

"If there's a lot on your mind, maybe you should talk some of it out." Adam suggested, as he glanced up from whatever he was doing, a slight smirk on his face.

I cleared my throat. "Everyone knows I'm stressed about my job Adam. I don't think I need to explain it." I stated dryly.

He crossed his arms, and leaned back in his chair. "Well, maybe you're stressed about your job because you thought getting a new job would make you forget about your old one, but maybe now you realize just how much you miss your old job."

Matt rolled his eyes. "Okay Adam. You're clearly not talking about jobs, you're talking about you and Marty." He replied.

Adam cocked his head, and furrowed his brows. "Actually Matt I wasn't. I was referring to her missing ROH and NXT and being nervous about going to the main roster. But, hey..if the shoe fits, lace it up and wear it." He stated sarcastically.

I heard my phone ding, and made Page give it back, I'd finally gotten the email. I took a deep breath. I was really nervous.

I skimmed the email, and smiled when I saw it.

"Smackdown." I stated, earning a kiss on the cheek from Marty, and a hug from Page.

"Hey Adam, have you figured out where you're going?" Cody asked, trying to make friendly conversation.

Adam smirked slightly, and nodded. "I do actually. But, why ruin the surprise? You guys can just come to the show and find out."

Marty scoffed, and rolled his eyes. "Well, clearly, we're only going to see Smackdown."

Adam smirked. "Right, I know."

Marty's face dropped. "Son of a b*tch..really Adam? Really? How'd you manage to make that happen?"

Adam rolled his eyes. "I didn't do it! I didn't get a choice. Plus, we found out at the same time. How could I have had anything to do with this? Please, explain." He replied, as he crossed his arms, and awaited a response.

Marty rolled his eyes. "Whatever."

Page cleared his throat. " about we something that's not this?"

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