Page's Ending Pt. 5

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Marty smiled, and hugged me, I hugged him back, which made Page's face harden, and his body tense up. It was weird seeing him get jealous, but I kinda liked it..

The hug was awkward, for me anyway.

I guess seeing your ex always was. But, seeing your ex, while you're with a friend of his, who's also your new boyfriend, and also the guy you used to tell him not to worry about, and you're ordering a coffee that you only drink after sex? That's a whole nother level.

It also didn't help that I was still mad at Marty, even more so than I was at Adam, because even though Adam could be a real d*ck, he never gave me an ultimatum.

"So 'wha are you doing here?" He asked, attempting to make conversation.

I cocked my head and smirked. "Not throwing a tantrum, that's what you told Matt and Nick, I was doing, right?"

His face fell, as he looked at the ground. "Oh, they uh..told you 'vat huh? Listen Love I-"

"My name, is Y/N." I interrupted, and he frowned, letting out a sigh.

"Right, sorry. When I said 'vat, I was really, really, upset 'nd angry. I shouldn't 'ave." He explained. "By 'va way, where are Matt and Nick?"

"Her house. With Kenny, Cody, and Brandi. You already know we hung out without you yesterday. Stop asking stupid questions." Page replied, rolling his his eyes.

"Oh..Page, hey. Didn't see you 'ver." He stated, faking a positive tone.

"Really? I'm pretty hard to miss." Page said, starting to sound annoyed, Marty smiled softly.

"Well, I can only see one person in 'vis room, and I assure you, it isn't you."

Page scoffed, and rolled his eyes, and I breathed a laugh.

How does one respond to something like that? I suppose that was the point, before I could even think of a reply, the barista told me my 'raspberry mocha' was ready.

I smiled, and thanked the barista before taking it and getting out of line, Page got his coffee, and did the same, but we couldn't leave. Thanks to Marty.

Marty cocked his head. "Oh. So, I guess dinner 'wif Adam went well 'ven?" He questioned, his tone changing from flirtatious to demeaning and judgemental.

I rolled my eyes. "Better than this. But not what you're assuming, and also, I didn't know he was gonna show up." I sighed, as I crossed my arms.

"Well, you slept 'wif someone.." He trailed off.

"You're very right, I did sleep with someone. And if it were Adam, I'd just tell you. But, it wasn't him. Okay? I'm seeing someone." I admitted, and he furrowed his brows.

"You're seeing someone?"

Page rolled his eyes. "That's what she said, isn't it?"

Marty rolled his eyes. "Was I talking to you?" He asked, his voice full of arrogance. Page's face hardened, and he breathed a laugh, as he let out a sigh.

"Well, you're done talking to her." He started, before clearing his throat. "So, if you're not talking to me, then I guess we'll leave." He smiled sarcastically, as we went to walk out.

"Um, she can speak for herself, thanks." Marty replied, before turning his attention back to me, ignoring Page completely. "So, who is 'vis new guy?" He asked, causing Page to get even more annoyed.

I smirked slightly. "Well, you're right I can speak for myself," I started, and he shot Page an 'I told you so' look, and I cleared my throat. "But, I don't really need to at the moment, because Page already said it so well."

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