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Daniel's POV
We were all hanging out on the couch except for Corbyn that was visiting Christina.
Jonah was kissing Jack, they were fully making out.
Me and Zach, were just cuddling and watching a film.
Then, this film said something that really annoyed Jack and Zach.

"Bottoms are nothing"

- Sorry, what??

Zach shouted annoyed. Jonah and I chuckled.

- What's so funny?? Without bottom there's no top.

Jack said shooting Jonah a look.

- Yeah, but tops are more important.

I said while Jonah nodded and we hight five.

- Yeah?? Well this bottom is not being a bottom again until you change your mind.

Jack said. Jonah's mouth fell.

- No babe, you can't be serious.

Jack stood up and left the room.
Soon, Zach followed, letting me know that he agreed.
Jonah and I looked at each other worriedly before going back to the film.

Jonah's POV
After the film ended, I went to my room to check on Jack.
He couldn't be serious about what he said.
When I opened the door, I found him sleeping on the bed and the news playing on the tv.
I turned off the tv and sat down next to him.
I removed some curls from his forehead and gave him a peck.
He opened his eyes and tiredly smiled.
Then, he turned to the other side and fell asleep again.
I showered, changed and then fell asleep.
The next morning, I woke up to an empty bed.
Jack always waited until I was up for getting breakfast and today he wasn't there.
I went downstairs and found him on the kitchen having breakfast.

- Good morning?

- Hi!

- You didn't wait for me??

- We're less important aren't we?

He said leaving his plate on the sink. I shot him a glare while he smiled at me innocently.
I ate my breakfast and then searched for Daniel.
When I finally found him, he was by the pool.

- Is he teasing you like Jack is teasing me??

I asked him while I pointed at Zach.
He just nodded and sighed.
I joined him and sat by his side.
Zach and Jack were jumping from rock to rock talking about something. I tried to listen to them but they were talking about silly stuff.

*skip to night*

I was really needy. I needed him and I needed him now.
I went downstairs and literally dragged him to the room.

- Jonah. I'm not going to have sex if you don't admit it.

- Babe please...

I said, literally begging.

- Admit it.

- What do you want me to admit? That the bottoms are important too?

I said climbing on top of him.

- That without you this wouldn't work?? That your moans are music to my ears?? Well, that's true tho...

I was already on top of him and I could tell that he wanted me too.
His breathing was irregular and so was mine.
I leaned in and kissed him hard.
I bit his lip and he moaned so I took the opportunity and slip my tongue in.
I explored his mouth and, without stopping the kiss, I managed to take both of our shirts off.
I kissed his neck and then down to his chest. The next part, is obvious so I'm not going to give any details.
I'm only going to say that it was amazing.
Afterward, we took a shower and then lay again in bed.
I was only in my joggers and Jack was in one of my hoodies and boxers.
He looked super cute.

We were exhausted.
We laid in bed and he put his head on my chest while I stroked his hair.
He tried his best to not close his eyes but in five minutes, he was already out.

I know this is going to sound creepy, but I love staring at him at night.
His lips, his eyes, his everything.
He looks perfect.
I slowly let sleep take over me and soon or later I'm already asleep.

I wake up today to Jack still sleeping in my arms. I look at the clock and see that it's six in the morning.

- Wtf? What am I doing awake at this time??

I say a little loud cause Jack starts moving but only turns to face me.
He is still sleeping so I try to sleep again.
An hour later I wake up and Jack is still there.
I can't hear the tv, which means that Daniel and Zach are still asleep.
I wait half an hour and I'm super bored.
So then I kiss Jack to wake him up.
He returns the kiss and then smiles groggily.
His eyes are still closed.

- What time is it??

He ask with that sexy morning voice.
I look over to the clock and see that is half past seven.

- Half past seven..

- What?! What are you doing awake?

His eyes fluttered open.

- I couldn't sleep.

He hummed closing his eyes again. I knew he was going to fall again so I started kissing him.

- Baby boy I'm boreeed...

- And I'm tireeed...

- Pleaseee...

He finally gave up and stood up.
He washed his face and we headed downstairs. We had our hands intertwined as always. He was still sleepy.
- Do you want coffee babe??
He shook his head yes as he went to the cabinet. He took two cups and settled them on the table, then looked for milk and then sat on the table.
- You're not going to eat??
- It's to earlyyyy..
He said dragging the y.
I laughed at him who was rubbing his eyes.
He had his coffee and he waited till I finished. When I finished we put the dishes away and we sat on the living room. We cuddled for a while until Zach came downstairs and sat next to us. He shot Jack a glare and crossed his arms. Jack frowned.

- What's wrong??

- You gave up right??

- No, Jonah did.

He looked at me surprised.
I nodded and shrugged.
Jack chuckled and snuggled more into me.
I put an arm around him.
Later, Daniel comes and sits next to us.

After that we spent the rest of the day together until it was the evening, when I took Jack on a date.
He was stunning.
He was on a yellow hoodie with some eyes printed on it, black ripped jeans and white vans.
I held his hand all the way as he just looked out the window.
I took us on a late night picnic to a forest.
I put the blanket on the floor and we ate there in a nice silence.
Then we had a make out session and when we were out of breath, we laid on the blanket watching the stars.
Well, he was watching the stars while I admired him.
He looked super happy and innocent under the stars.
Then, he noticed I was staring and blushed and looked away.
I loved his blush so I grabbed him by the chin gently and made him look at me.
He had a tone of pink on his cheeks.
I leaned in and kissed him.
We had another make out session until we started feeling sleepy so we called it a night.

WC: 1211
A/N: I'm going to start with the words count. This is the longest chapter so far, what did you think?

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