Chapter 13

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“So Natalie… not that I don’t love having you here with me, but when are you planning on going back home?” Harry asked, sitting at breakfast one morning.

I moved the floating pieces of sugary cereal around the bowl, as I answered, “I don’t know Haz. I guess I can go back tonight.”

“Only if you’re sure Love. I’m not trying to kick you out or anything.”

“No, I know. But I think it’s time to go home.” I said getting up and taking my bowl to the sink. I hesitated and turned back to him as he stood to do the same. “Thanks, Harry. You know, for letting me stay here and being there for me.” I hugged him tightly.

He wrapped his arms around me, his chin resting on top of my head, “Of course, Natalie. That’s what best friends are for.” I smiled into his shoulder as I squeezed him a little tighter.

We stood there hugging in silence for a few more minutes before we released each other. “Well better go pack up some of my stuff and get ready to go back home.” I said, less than thrilled.

“It’s just your parents. It’s not like you’re meeting the queen. It’ll all be okay,” he smiled at me, his emerald eyes squinting slightly and his dimples popping out.

“Yeah you’re right.” I smiled back.

“I’m always right.”

I chuckled, “Sure Haz.”

We pulled up to my parents’ house, “Do you want me to come in with you?”

“What happened to ‘It’s not like you’re meeting the Queen’?” I giggled.

He chuckled, “I’m guessing that’s a no then?”

“I’ll be fine. But thanks again for everything.”

“Anytime Love.”

We hugged then I grabbed my bag, “See you later Haz.”

“Bye Nat.”

I unlocked the front door and went inside. “Natalie is that you sweetheart?”

“Yeah it’s me, dad,” I said hurrying up the stairs. I threw my bag on the bed, unslept in for the past few weeks.

“Hey,” I turned to see my mum in the doorway.

“Hey mum.”

“It’s good to have you home sweetie.”

“It’s good to be back home.”

“I’m going to go make lunch. Can you join us? It would be nice to catch up with you.”

“Yeah sure that sounds great.”

With that, she went down stairs and I heard her busying herself in the kitchen. I unpacked the small bag and dispensed everything into their proper places. When I was finished, I went into the bathroom and splashed some water on my face. I looked up in the mirror and focused on the skin around my eye. The light mark was only noticeable if you knew it was there. I still dabbed some concealer and powder on it, just to be sure.

“Natalie, lunchtime sweetie.”

“Okay mum I’ll be down in a minute.” I took one last look in the mirror before I exited the bathroom and descended the stairs.

“Nancy you know I don’t like onions in my spaghetti!” I heard my dad exclaim. I stopped just before entering the kitchen.

“I’m sorry William. It must have slipped my mind.” My mum calmly retorted.

“Maybe that’s because you don’t care anymore.”

“William please lower your voice Natalie is upstairs.”

With that, I turned the corner into the kitchen. “Hi pumpkin.” My dad smiled like nothing happened. “Come join us.”

“Sure dad.” I sat down at the table, trying to ignore the amount of tension in the room.

“So sweetie, how have you been lately?”

“Good I guess,” I said rolling some pasta on my fork and popping it into my mouth.

“I’m sorry things with you and Chad didn’t work out.” My dad said concerned. “What happened between you two anyway?”

I chewed the bite in my mouth methodically trying to think of a good excuse. “Um… you know… just a difference of opinions. That’s all.” I shrugged trying to look indifferent and believable.

“I’m sorry to hear that honey.”

“But then why did you go to Harry’s? You were there for almost a week.”

“Uh… I missed him. I didn’t get to see him much while I was dating Chad. Just wanted to spend some time with him.”

“That’s nice,” My mum said. “Oh this letter came for you yesterday.” She handed me a fancy looking envelope.

“Oh, okay.” I ripped it open and read its contents, a big smile spreading across my face.

“Well what does it say?” inquired my father with a smile.

“It’s from the University of London. They want to interview me for the scholarship.”

“That’s fantastic dear.”

“Yeah,” I smiled wide again. “Uh, may I be excused? I want to go tell Harry.”

“Of course.”

“Thanks for lunch mum.” I kissed her on the cheek and ran upstairs and grabbed my phone quickly punching in Harry’s number.

It rang twice before he answered it, “Hellooo?”

“Harry! I got it! I got the interview for that scholarship!” I yelled into the phone with a huge smile.

“That’s fantastic Nat. When is the interview?”

“Um… Next Wednesday.”

“That’s just a few days away. Are you ready?”

“I guess. I mean I’m just talking about myself. It should just be natural right?”

“Right, you should do just fine.”

“Thanks, Harry.”

“And you’ll let me know how it goes?”

“Of course. Maybe we’ll meet for tea after, yeah?”

“Sounds lovely. I’ll see you then Hun.”

“Bye Haz.”

I hung up the phone, my heart beating a mile a minute. I shouldn’t be as nervous as I am. This is my future after all.

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