Chapter 27

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“We will have a test covering chapter eight on Wednesday, I will see you then. Have a nice day.” There was a sound of shuffle and hustle as people shoved and organized their belongings and left the room. I tidied my bag, and sluggishly made my way towards the lot that my car was parked in.

I made the short drive home and shuffled inside and up to my room. I dropped my bag on the bed and glanced around at the mess of clothes on the floor and the disarray of things atop my dressers. I scrunched my face up and began cleaning my room.

Once finished I looked around and had the sudden urge to rearrange all my furniture. I got to work and before I knew it I had been two hours and was shifting the last piece, my bedside table, into place when I heard the front door open and close. “Nat, I’m home!” I heard him call from downstairs.

“In my room Haz!” I called back, as I took a step away from the furniture and looked around at my finished product.

I wiped my forehead on my sleeve, panting heavily, as I heard him trot up the stairs. I turned to see him stood in the doorway leaning against the frame arms and legs crossed with one foot propped up on his toe. “Hey, Love. How was class?”

“Good. How was your meeting?” I asked, still trying to catch my breath.

“It was… yeah,” he said, nonchalantly shaking his head. “Hey did you move everything around in here? It looks good,” he smiled at me nodding his head.

“Yeah, thanks.”

“By yourself?”

“Yep,” I nodded noting his surprised and disbelieving expression. “Don’t look so shocked Haz. I’m stronger than I look.”

“Yeah I see that,” he roamed his still-wide eyes around the room.

“So uh… this meeting?” I said, returning to the topic he so poorly tried to avoid. “What was it about?”

“Oh not much really. Just some new stuff, songs, recording times, events, things like that.” He smiled, with it not really reaching his eyes and it made me wonder what he wasn’t telling me about the meeting.

“Alright Haz.” I chuckled as my phone started ringing. I turned searching for it amongst the chaos. I found it just in time as I answered it. “Hello?”

“Hey Lee. Have mom and dad said anything to you about Christmas yet?”

“Uh…” I hesitated, thinking back to conversations with my mother. “No nothing yet. Why?”

“Well Tanya and I were wondering if we could come up and visit with you and your friends a couple weeks before. Does that sound good?”

“Uh… Yeah sure. Christmas is- what? Four weeks away. So that means you should be coming around about the time I have finals, which is good. So yeah sounds good just let me know when exactly you will be coming and I’ll talk to Harry.”

“Okay lil’ sis. Love ya; see you in a couple weeks!”

“Love you too Fer, bye.”

I hung up and heard Harry’s deep voice, “Talk to me about what love?” he reappeared, changed into baggy flannel pyjama pants and a white t-shirt with a little ponytail on top of his head and a headband to hold the rest back.

I laughed at his hair before I replied, “Um… my sister and Tanya are coming up in a couple weeks to spend time with us before Christmas.”

He nodded, “Speaking of Christmas, I will probably leave for my mum’s a few days prior.” I nodded at him. “And, are we going to get gifts for each other?” he gestured between us.

I scowled in thought a moment before responding, “No, we don’t have to. It’s just the two of us no big deal.” I shrugged.

“Okay Nat. I’ll be downstairs working on dinner.”

“Okay Haz.” My phone started ringing again once he headed downstairs. I saw Perrie’s pretty picture as I slide the screen, “Hey pretty eyes. What’s up?”

“Hi babe. I’ve got some news, it’s time to go dress shopping!” she said with an excited squeal, “So… are you able to go this weekend?”

“Of course,” I said without hesitation, any homework I had could wait, I had to be there for my best friend. “Do you want me to drive over Saturday morning and we can ride together?”

“Yes that would be lovely.”

“Alright Pear I will see you then.”

“Bye sweetie.”

I hung up and I got out a pair of pyjamas. I grabbed a towel and got in the shower. I enjoyed the stream of water, washing the day of, and got out. I pulled on my bottoms as well as a shirt of Harry’s I always wear, which is grey with a pocket on the left side and a read heart on it that said “LOVER”. I brushed out my hair and braided it over my shoulder. I trotted down the stairs and past Harry, leaned over the stove, and grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge.

“Are you wearing my shirt?” I turned to see him with an open-mouthed smile and a raised eyebrow.

“What?” I tried to play dumb.

“You know I’ve been looking for that for that shirt.” He turned back to the food in front of him, not really concerned about his shirt.

I chuckled and shrugged, “Sorry Haz,” I said, taking a seat at the table and watching him cook.

“No you’re not,” he said looking at me and smiling.

I shrugged in response, “No not really.”

He laughed and grabbed two bowls serving them up and walking them to the table. He sat and handed me my bowl and we ate. “So I won’t be home Saturday.”

“Really, how come?” he said taking a bite and looking at me.

“Dress shopping.”


“Duh,” I rolled my eyes and laughed at him, which he smiled at.

“Well good then. Oh hey the lads mentioned something about getting together Wednesday at the club. How does that sound?”

“Good actually,” I said finishing my last bite. “I don’t have class Thursday and I’m working the late shift. I can get snockered with minimal repercussions.” I smiled at him as I got up and took my bowl to the sink.

He chuckled, “That’s not the word I would use. You never get ‘snockered.’ You may drink but never enough to get drunk.” He said depositing his bowl with mine and raising his eyebrows at me.

I scoffed, “Ya know, that’s… that’s true.” I laughed, “I don’t like getting drunk. It’s not pleasant, nor is it fun to me.” I shrugged in my defense.

“It’s understandable Love. Some people don’t like getting drunk, you just happen to be one of those people,” He said, patting my shoulder.

I gave him an incredulous look and shoved his hand off me. “I’m going to finish up some homework. Goodnight Haz.” I turned to head back up stairs.

“Sweet dreams Love,” he said rather sad sounding.

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