Chapter 14

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I sat in the medium-office sized reception area with a couple dozen other people, all about my age, who wanted the same thing I did. I watched my knee nervously jump up and down and I could hear my heart pounding in my ears.

“Natalie Hollandsworth?”

I stood and bit back the nerves. I put on an air of self-confidence as I made my way to the woman who called my name.

“Miss Hollandsworth,” she stuck out her hand, “I’m Mrs. Putinelli. I will be interviewing you today.”

I shook her hand, “Mrs. Putinelli, pleasure. How do you do?”

“I’m wonderful, and yourself?”
“Fantastic! I am doing well.”

“Shall we get started?” she said ushering me towards a chair.

“Absolutely.” I said taking a seat, crossing my legs and folding my hands in my lap.

She sat across from me behind a cherry wood desk with a legal pad in front of her and a pen in hand. “So Miss Hollandsworth, tell me about yourself.”

“Well my parents and I moved here from my hometown about three and a half months ago because my father was transferred for work. I had never lived anywhere other than Rye East Sussex before we moved. I have an older sister named Jennifer who moved to America three years ago to chase her dream; I hope to do the same except I want to stay close to home.”

She jotted notes as I spoke. I tried to keep my eyes on her and not the pen in her hand, even when she wasn’t looking at me. “Hmm… interesting. What are your dreams exactly?”

“Well my ultimate goal is pediatrics, but I am also interested in Latin linguistics.”
“Wow. That is a diverse palate you have there.”

“Yes, I love children and I also have an admiration for the Latin language.”

“So how will this scholarship benefit you?”

“The ease of a financial burden for my parents will help to make my dreams come true a lot easier. Times are tough for everyone; money seems to be the biggest dream killer for some people. And in being a dream killer, it ultimately lessens the amount of professionals we have in fields such as the medical and educational. As painful as it is to say, money is the deciding factor in life.”

She stared at me void of expression, her eyes switching between mine, which were looking back into hers. She seemed to be mentally assessing everything about me in those few tense, brief minutes. She took the pen to paper one last time before she stood and I did the same. “Well, it was nice speaking with you Miss Hollandsworth.” We shook hands and made our way to the door. “We will be in touch over the next few weeks about the recipient of the scholarship.”

“Alright, thank you so much for the opportunity Mrs. Putinelli.” I shook her hand again, “You take care.”

“And you as well.”

I made my way out of the building and down to my car analyzing every aspect of the interview. I got to my car and grabbed my sandals out of the back. I slipped off my heels and tugged my sandals on before getting in. I leaned my head against the steer wheel and let out a breath I had been holding in since the interview started. I dialed Harry.


“Haz, hey do you mind if we have tea at your place? And maybe watch some corny movies?”

“Yeah sure, sounds good. Is everything alright?”

I buckled my belt and started the car, “Yeah. I’m just stressing about the interview and I need to get my mind off it.”

“Okay. I’ll go get the cookie dough ice cream and the peanut butter and Oreos.”

I chuckled, “Thanks Harry. I’ll be there soon.” I said, a smile playing on my lips.

“See you soon, Love.”

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