Chapter 36

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After dropping my sister off at the airport yesterday, I felt lazy and did nothing but eat and watch TV. I’m paying for that today. The flat was in desperate need of some deep cleaning, so I flipped on the radio and got to it. A couple of hours in and downstairs looked nice and clean. I went upstairs and moved all my clothes from Harry’s room back to mine then I cleaned that. I even tided up Harry’s room.

After all that I had worked up quite a sweat and I felt gross so I took a nice, long, hot shower. When I got out I threw on some comfy jeans and a plain black long sleeve shirt, tired of being in my pajamas. I went back down stairs and flopped on the couch, flipping the TV on. I must have dozed off for some time because I woke up and it was dark. The time read 8:30 and my stomach growled in response. I made a small dinner and ate in front of the TV.

Once I had finished I took the dishes to the sink and came back to my phone buzzing. I didn’t recognize the number but I answered it anyway, “Hello?”

“Natalie,” a very broken and somewhat familiar, but still unrecognizable voice sounded. The frantic nature of the voice had me sitting on the edge on the couch holding my phone tighter. “I’m so sorry. We were driving home and we drove over some black ice, I- I lost control-” a choked sobbed emitted.

“Tanya?” my tone was one of alarm. “What’s… what’s wrong? What happened?”

“She- we crashed. She- she didn’t make it Natalie.”

“What?” It came out breathless and sounded foreign to me. It was less of a question for clarification and more a question of disbelief.

“Jen she’s… gone,” I heard Tanya break into another bout of sobs.

I sunk my face into my hand that was propped on my knee as tears stung my eyes. “Wha… no, it- she can’t.”

“I’m so sorry Natalie.” It was a distant apology, lost somewhere in the waves of sound.

The phone fell from my hand and landed with a dull thud on the ground by my feet. Tears flowed from my eyes as realization washed over me like and unwelcomed flood. There was a constant stab of pain in my ever tightening chest as sobs ripped from my body. Suddenly the house felt desolate. The feeling saturating the air was no longer one of love, but one of pain and of loss. The echo of silence through the house was deafening, screaming at me and slowly overtaking the sound of my dull heartbeat. I couldn’t be here anymore the emptiness was suffocating me, I needed to breathe.

I rushed to the door, slamming it behind me and took off down the street. Tears still fell from my eyes as I ran. I had no direction, no designated end point; I was just getting away from the house that held her laughter just a few days ago. My pace slowed as my body started to protest the exertion. I found myself outside of the club the stabbing pain still clutching at my chest. My feet moved before my mind told them too and they carried me inside, to an empty bar stool and a bar tender too cheery for my current mood.

“What can I get for you sweetheart?”

“Um…” my voice cracked and I swallowed hard. “Two shots of vodka… and whatever that drink is with the whiskey shot dropped into a pint.”

“A boilermaker?”


“You got it.”

I looked around as he prepared my drink. The club wasn’t too crowded tonight, just a few couples on the dance floor and some randoms at the bar. He handed me the boilermaker first and I downed it before he had the vodka shots in front of me, which I shot back in quick succession once they were. “Anything else for ya Hun?”

“Two more shots and keep them coming.” He nodded at me and refilled the shot glasses. My body started to respond to the minimal alcohol by feeling faintly numb. I noticed the pain in my chest start to dull. “And, uh, give me another one of those boilermakers, would ya?”

He served it up along with two more shots and the numbing sensation slowly became more prominent with every ounce of alcohol I consumed. Little by little the stab in my chest was dulling to a soft splinter and blackness started to take over my mind. I drank until blackness was all I saw and numbness was all I felt.

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