Chapter 47

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“Good afternoon Natalie,” Brazie offered as he came into the room seeing me in my usual place on the sofa.

He took his seat as I offered him a smile, “Hi Brazie.”

“Ah, good week yea?”

“Very,” I smiled wider.

“Do you want to talk about it before we get started?”

I nodded, “Well… I talked to Harry.”

His brow raised as I trailed off, “Yes, how did that go?”

My eyes averted momentarily searching for the right word, “Rough.” I chuckled, “It was a screaming match at first, then it ended in a tender embrace and a lovely date.”

He smiled, “Well good, I’m glad you two worked it out. How did your friends react?”

“They teased us quite a bit,” I smiled, “But they were all really happy for us. Apparently they all saw it coming ages ago,” I rolled my eyes.

He chuckled, “Good. And how about you; are you happy?”

I hesitated a moment, “Honestly… I’m extremely happy. Like finally, genuinely, happy. The pain is starting to dissipate and I can actually feel again, something other than sadness and hurt.”

He was nodding and smiling as I finished, “That is so good Natalie. Actually that is great. So I’m going to ask you to gauge your pain, think you could do that?” I nodded, “Okay, on a scale of one to ten, ten being excruciating, what was your level of pain the first time you came to see me?”

“Eleven,” I said without an ounce of humor.

He searched my eyes for a moment before he made a note on his notepad. “And what is that pain level today?”

“About a six.”

“Good.” I watched him scribble for a moment before his eyes reconnected with mine. “We’ve never really talked about your sister before have we?” I bit my lip and shook my head as I twiddle my thumbs. “Why don’t we, can we do that?”

I inhaled a deep, shaky breath, “Sure.”

“How far apart in age were you two?”

“Almost exactly four years. Her birthday was two weeks before mine, 1st of May.”

“So was there a lot of tension between you two growing up?”

I pursed my lips as I thought, “Not really, no. I mean we had a small spat here and there, but for the most part we got along. We were always close.”

“So how did you feel when she moved to America? How old were you?”

“Fourteen. I was a little upset, like sad upset. I was losing my best friend and she wouldn’t be as easily accessible.  I mean she always made sure that I didn’t feel abandoned, she called me a lot in the beginning, but still it was a little disheartening.”

He nodded, “And how did you feel when she came out to you?”

“I was kind of indifferent about it. Like, I didn’t stop loving her because of who she loved and it didn’t like make me mad or really even shock me. Although she didn’t find out for sure herself until she moved to America and met Tanya.”

He smiled and nodded as the timer buzzed. “Well we will continue talking about the positives of Jennifer next week.”

I nodded, “Sounds good. See you then Brazie.”

“Good-bye Natalie.”

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