Chapter 33

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I was stirred out of sleep when I heard the door creak open and soft footsteps padding towards me. “Natalie,” a gentle whisper paired with a soft rub to my arm had my eyes opening and a grumbled response sounding. “Can you come shopping with me?” Tanya asked with a hopeful look in her eyes.

“Mmm… yeah, of course,” I yawned, “Give me like fifteen minutes to get ready and I’ll be down.”

“Okay, thanks.” She replied as she left the room.

I rolled onto my back and stared at the ceiling trying to motivate myself to move. Harry rolled onto his side and slung his arm around me nuzzling into my side. “No, Haz,” I said as I shoved at his arm trying to get him off me. His grip tightened as he moved closer, “Harry, I have to get up,” I sounded rather annoyed.

He groaned, “But you’re warm.”

“And your hair is in my face. Off!”

“Humph,” he rolled off me and pouted.

I jumped up and rushed to the bathroom. I splashed some water on my face and proceeded to throw my hair up into a bun, pushing on a headband to hold the unruly bits back. I exited the bathroom and was about to go to my room to get clothes when Harry piped up, “I brought some of your clothes in her yesterday. They’re in your old drawer and you have some cardigans in the closet.”

“Oh, thanks Haz.” I made my way to the dresser and grabbed a pair of jeans, then searched through the cardigans in the closet. I felt his eyes on me as I settled on a green one that brought out my eyes. I ignored him as I grabbed an undershirt and made my way back to the bathroom to change. As I passed by him on the way out I said, “I’m going shopping with Tanya. I’ll be back later.”

“Okay, bye Nat.”

I went downstairs and grabbed my purse, “Tanya, I’m ready.”

She came into view around the corner, “Okay, then, let’s go.”

I locked the door behind us and we made our way to my car. We got in and pulled onto the road, “So what exactly are we shopping for?” I asked as I started to drive towards the shops.

“A ring,” she said it so low I almost didn’t hear her.

When it had registered what she said I snapped my head in her direction, “A ring?” I asked with a huge smile on my face. “Like the ring? Are you going to ask my sister to marry you?” My smile grew as she nodded in response. “Oh my gosh,” I said as I changed directions, heading towards a jeweler shop.

“But she doesn’t know.”


“I’m going to ask her next week when we go to your mom’s. I want to ask your parents’ permission so I will need your help?” she was smiling and blushing as I beamed.

“Yeah, of course. I’m so happy for you.”


We drove in silence until we pulled into the lot. “So are you going to get a big fancy ring or a more simplistic one?”

“Simplistic. That’s more her style anyway.”

“I agree.”

We looked around a while before Tanya settled on a nice simple band with little diamonds set into it. After we got the ring we went and did some last minute Christmas shopping before we headed back home. My phone started buzzing, “Hello?”

“Where are you guys? Did you kidnap my girlfriend?”

I chuckled at her dramatic tone, “No actually, she kidnapped me and now she holding me hostage.” Tanya chuckled in the seat next to me.

“Ha ha very funny.”

“No we were just doing some last minute Christmas shopping. We’re heading back now.”

“Cool. Hey you think we could go to dinner tonight? Maybe see a movie?”

“Yeah, that sounds nice actually.”

“Good, I figured we could have a girl’s night out.”

“So you’re gonna make me third wheel it all night?”

“No already called Perrie and she said she’s happy to join us.”

“Okay then! Sounds good.”

“Good I’ll see you when you get home. Bye Lee.”

“Bye Fer.”

“But when they had to jump off the rocks naked, that was hilarious!” Jen chuckled as we pulled into the driveway.

“I still think the first one was better.”

“You’re such a Debby Downer Lee!”

I just shrugged as I turned the car off. I looked to the door and saw Harry showing Christina out. I scoffed as I opened the car door.

“Bye, Harry. Thanks for dinner, those fajitas were fantastic!”

“Thank you for coming,” he smiled back at her and she turned and walked towards her car.

“Hey Natalie.”

I passed her with a curt “Hi” in response and pushed passed Harry, into the house, and up the stairs to the bathroom. I took a deep breath as I sat on the lid of the toilet. It was silent for a moment before there was a light rap on the door. I flushed the toilet for good measure and opened the door to a concerned looking Jen. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah I’m fine,” I gave her the ‘of course I’m fine, why wouldn’t I be fine?’ look.

She still looked like she didn’t believe me but responded with an ‘okay’ and released me from her human barricade. “It’s been a long day. Tanya and I are going to head to bed. G’night, Lee.”

“Night,” I responded before going into Harry’s bathroom and changing into my pajamas. I grabbed the same pillow from last night and made my way to the couch where the blankets were folded up nicely on the end. I remade the little makeshift bed and laid facing away from the kitchen door.

I heard it swing open a few minute later. “Natalie,” he sighed out sounding exasperated. “What are you doing?”

“Trying to sleep,” I mumbled.


“It’s nighttime.”

I could practically hear his eyes rolling, “I mean, why are you on the couch?”

“It’s pretty comfy.”

He sighed, “C’mon Natalie. Come to my bed.”

“I’m fine right here Harry.”


“Goodnight Harry,” I cut him off as an effective end to this conversation.

He sighed again, giving up. “Sweet dreams, Love.”

I heard him ascend the stairs and the door to his room close softly. I let out a breath and laid in the silence trying to sleep. And sleep I did, but soundly it was not.

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