Chapter 24

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Perrie and I had gotten so caught up in talking about the wedding and watching movies about weddings that we lost track of time. Before we knew it, it was half eleven and I had to get home. I went into the lounge and grabbed my books then straight up stairs and flicked the lamp on my desk on. I tossed my purse on my bed and sat down to get to work.

I assumed Harry was asleep when I came home, so I was startled when the quiet of the night was interrupted by the opening of a door. I perked up my ear when I heard him groan followed by a huff and his light footsteps trotting down stairs. We really need to look into getting him a new mattress, this can’t be healthy. I thought to myself as I returned to my work.

I woke up to the shrill ring of my alarm clock, layed over my homework, still at my desk. It took me a minute to become fully aware, with drowsy questions shooting through my brain. I realized it was my alarm for work, already six in the morning. I groaned as I stood and silenced it stretching, and heading for the shower.

I stood under the stream for a good ten minutes before I moved much. I went through the same routine I did every morning that I had to work and I arrived five minutes early just like I always did.

“Good morning Natalie!” greeted Aaron, a little too chirpy for me given how early it was.

“Morning,” I sighed and put my purse in my locker in the break room.

“Bad morning?”

“Nah, just tired; school is kicking my butt!”

“Ah I get that. You’re pediatrics major right?”

I smiled, “Yes.” Aaron and I never really talked much, but whenever we did it was detailed and informative. He always remembered what we talked about and it was nice. I put my apron on and started to head to the kitchen.

“Hey Natalie, what time will you take lunch?”

I thought a moment, “Eh I don’t know, probably about noon. Why?”

“I’ll take mine too, we can have lunch together. Sound good?”

“Sure,” I shrugged, “Sounds good.”

I got to work waiting tables and putting on a cheery, happy façade, something I’ve become quite good at. I went through most of my shift and realized it was time to take lunch. I punched out and sat in the break room waiting for Aaron.

He came sauntering in, “Hey lunch buddy.”

“Hey,” I chuckled at him.

We ate in relative silence, but then struck up a conversation. “So isn’t your birthday coming up?” I asked tucking my feet under me on the big couch.

“Yea, October 20th.”

“That’s just around the corner. You’ll be twenty one right?”


“Planning anything big?”

“Eh probably; if I did would you come?”

“Of course.”

“Good then. When is yours again?”

“May 15th.”

“Ah lucky; you’re a spring baby. Spring is my favorite time of year.”

“Mine too; it’s just so beautiful.”

“Like you,” he said with a smile looking straight at me.

I smile back slightly uncomfortable and averted my eyes. Aaron was a good guy and he was sweet, but he never really took the hint; I tried to subtly turn down his attempts at flirting all the time but he kept at it. I just wasn’t interested in him like that. I looked at the clock, “Oh time to get back to work.” I punched back in and got to work avoiding him the rest of my shift.

I quickly made my way out to my car and back home so I wouldn’t have to face Aaron. I arrived home and headed for the stairs.


I stopped in my tracks, one foot on the first step the other on the ground. “Yes, Haz?”

“Are you busy right now?”

I sighed, understanding the meaning behind his words. I made my way to the lounge and leaned in the doorway before I replied, “I’ve got a little more work to do, but it shouldn’t take me long. Why, what did you have in mind?”

“Homemade pizza and a Rom Com marathon?”

I chuckled, “Yea, Haz, sounds like fun.” I checked my watch, half three. “Give me until about five.”

“Okay Love, see you then.”


We were sat in the lounge, dinner dishes scattered around us, as Harry looked at me with a mouthful of his fifth piece and asked, “You gonna eat the last piece?”

I laughed, “No, go for it Haz.” He smiled at me and quickly devoured that piece whilst the trailers for Pretty Woman finished rolling.

“Before we start the movie, I’m going to visit the loo.” He stated, standing and made his way from the room.

“Okay,” I yawned. “I’m going to go change,” I stood following after him.

He stopped and turned to look at me, “You’re not tired already are you? It’s only our third movie.” He smiled at me with his joyous green eyes, right white teeth, and prominent dimples. His tone was laced with sarcasm, but his eyes were full of sympathy; he knew he amount of work I did weekly and he also knew of my lack of sleep lately. I hated not being able to spend much time with him, but I loved that he understood.

I smiled at him, “Yep, I’m a sissy.” I shrugged, as he laughed at me, and walked up to my room. I grabbed my grey track pants and a too-big plain black t-shirt, peeling off my work clothes and replacing them with the more comfortable pyjama set.

I returned to the lounge to find the dishes cleared away and Harry changed into red, plaid, flannel pants waiting for me. I let out a breath as I plopped down next to him, “Let’s do this!”

He laughed as he pressed play. I grabbed the soft, fluffy blanket from the back of the couch and tucked it around me, curling more into Harry’s side as he draped his arm around my shoulders.

I didn’t even last ten minutes and the next thing I know, I’m waking up to the sound of my alarm in my own bed.

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