Chapter 26

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The base vibrated around the club, some tune thumping through my head as I sipped at my vodka on the rocks. “I still can’t believe you drink vodka straight,” Liam whispered in my ear, a hand on my knee.

I chuckled, “Why not?”

“You’re just so…” he glanced down, “Small and girly. That seems like a hard drink for a girl like you.” He smiled as his hand inched up my knee before resting again.

I scoffed followed by a light smile as I said, “Gee, thanks Li.” I took another drink and swallowed, the liquid burning down my throat and feeling delightful.

Liam shifted slightly, clearing his throat. “And no face; no squinting or cringing in disgust.” He lowered his voice and moved closer to my ear, slowly inching his hand further up my thigh, “That’s so hot.”

“Okay!” I squeaked, jumping slightly where I sat. “I’m gonna go hit the dance floor,” I made my way from the big, round booth. “Anyone care to join?” I said glancing around the table at the other six faces.

“I will,” Liam said following me out of the booth.

“Great!” I said with a hint of sarcasm. I caught Niall looking at me sideways, his lips slightly pursed and his eyes full of annoyance with a hint of anger. I brushed it off as Liam pushed me towards the dance floor.

I pushed through writhing bodies with Liam close behind, his hand protectively and suggestively clamped to my hip. I found a clear space and turned to face him, grateful that the action made his had fall from me. I kept my hands down to my sides as I moved my hips to the rhythm, eyes going everywhere except to the chocolate ones in front of me. Occasionally I would glance back at him and his eyes would be glued go me and each time I smiled awkwardly as I averted mine again.

He leaned in to me, placing a hand to my hip again and whispered, “You’re looking rather uninterested Love. Is it me?”

“Oh no, of course not; I guess I’m just not drunk enough to enjoy it.”

“We can fix that,” he pulled back and looked into my eyes with a smirk.

I smiled at him awkwardly as he stayed that way a little too long, “I can’t get drunk tonight Li. I have class tomorrow.”

He pouted as his eyes stayed on me. I fake pouted back before a smile erupted across his face and I lightly smiled back at him. We stared at each other a moment before he glanced down at my lips and slowly started to lean in, puckering slightly.

I panicked a moment and quickly dodged his lips, squeezing him in a hug that took a moment for him to reciprocate. “I should go. It’s getting a little late.” I didn’t wait to hear his response as I released him and pushed back through the bodies to our table.

I noticed Louis and Eleanor had left as I leaned over to Harry, “Haz, it’s getting kinda late and I have class in the morning. Can we go?” He nodded as he made his way from the booth.

I bent over to Perrie leaning across the table to talk to her, “We’re gonna go. I’ve got class tomorrow.”

“Alright,” she raised her arms to squeeze my neck. “Bye sweetheart, be safe.”

I giggled as I returned her hug, “Bye Pear.”

I looked back at Harry who nodded and I turned and pushed my way through the rest of the crowd towards the door. I stumbled over my own feet in my new, unfamiliar heels, two inches higher than my others. Perrie had convinced me to get them on a recent shopping endeavor even though I could barely walk in them in the store. I felt Harry’s hands on my hips to steady me and I looked back at him with an apologetic smile. He rolled his eyes with a big-eyed smile and mine fell into a happy one with that. I turned and led us out the door and, slowly, down the steps.

We turned the corner and headed on our short walk home, slower than usual due to my shoes. “Nat,” he drew out the ‘a’ sound, “c’mon!” he whined at me, a few feet behind him.

He was cute when he was whiney and I smiled on the inside. “Harry, shut up! I’m trying not to die over here!” I said in a dramatic, sassy tone, trying to get him to lighten up.

He laughed, “Would you like a ride, Love?” He turned slightly indicating his back.

I took an unnecessary moment to ponder his offer before I accepted. He bent slightly to prepare for my small frame. I climbed onto his back, latching my hands together around his neck trying not to choke him and rested my chin on his shoulder with a cheesy smile I was glad he couldn’t see. His strong hands gripped the underside of my thigh, sending chills up my spine. “Thanks, Haz,” I nuzzled my face into his exposed neck as a gesture of appreciation.

His breathing faltered slightly as he replied, “No problem Love.”

We continued our short walk back to the flat in almost complete silence, the only sound being Harry’s boots on the concrete. It was so peacefully quiet that I started to drift off until Harry woke me with a question, “So Nat?”

“Hmm?” I answered as I fought the sleep in my eyes.

“Why did you want to go all of a sudden? I mean I know you have class, but you looked a little… frantic I guess. Is everything okay?” he asked as I slid off his back at the front door and he looked into my eyes.

“Oh it was nothing. I just realized it was later than I thought. That’s all.” I gave the best convincing smile I could and he sighed and opened the door.

“Okay Nat, as long as you’re sure.”

“Yep,” I said as we walked in the front door and I yawned.

“Hey we have a meeting with management tomorrow in the late afternoon, so I might be gone when you get home.”

“Okay, thanks for letting me know. Goodnight Haz.”

“Sweet dreams Love.”

I quickly made my way up to my room and rid myself of my clothes. I climbed into bed without a moment’s hesitation and willed myself to fall asleep quickly knowing I had seven hours of classes to attend in less than five.

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