Chapter 16

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I was sat at the desk in my room with the door shut shuffling through and highlighting job ads. It had been three weeks and I hadn’t heard anything about the scholarship. So I was heeding Harry’s advice and getting a job so I could save up. I heard muffled voices, slowly increasing in volume until a full-blown shouting match was commencing just down the stairs. My parents had been consistently fighting since I came back from Harry’s.

I picked up my phone and dialed Perrie. “’Ello?”

“Hey Perrie. How’ve you been?”

“Oh hey Nat. I’ve been pretty good. How about yourself?”

“Not too great actually. My parents are screaming at each other downstairs. Are you free? I don’t really want to be home right now.”

“Yup! Free as a bird. You want to grab some lunch?”

“That sounds lovely.”

“Great. Say that Le Petit down the street from Harry’s in… ten minutes?”

“Cool see you then.”


I hung up and grabbed my purse from the bench at the foot of my bed. As soon as I opened my bedroom door, the yelling ceased. I rolled my eyes as I descended the staircase. “I’m going to lunch with Perrie. I will be back later.” I left the house not bothering to wait for a reply. I made the stroll down the driveway to my car and hoped in driving away quickly.

I pulled into the parking lot and parked next to Perrie’s car. I ducked into the small café searching for her gorgeous blonde locks. I found them tucked underneath a slouchy beanie, framing beautiful facial features. I sat in the seat across from her and sighed. “Thanks for saving me.”

She smiled sympathetically, “Sorry about your parents, Sweetie.”

“Yeah me too. But let’s forget about the sad details of my home life. How have you been lately? I feel like we haven’t spoken in ages.”

“I’ve been really well. Things with Zayn are good. We’re actually going to see my parents in a few days.”

“Oh that should be fun,” I smiled at her.

“Yeah I haven’t seen them much since I moved here. I’m due for a visit.”

“Yeah I know how they feel. My sister hasn’t visited in almost two years.”

“How is she by the way?”

“She’s doing well. Last time we talked things were going well, she only had a few weeks left of school and she said she was coming to visit soon.”

“Well good. I look forward to meeting her,” she smiled.

I chuckled as our waiter came up to our table. “Hello ladies, my name is Aaron, I will be your server. What can I get for you today?” his amber eyes stared into mine as he held a pen, a pad and a smile.

I took one last glance at my menu before I closed it. “I’ll have the cheese ravioli please.”

“And I’ll have the chicken club,” Perrie said sweetly. We handed him our menus and he made his way to the kitchen. “Wasn’t he just gorgeous?”

I looked at her and shrugged, “Eh.”

“Oh c’mon he’s hot!”

I sipped my water and shrugged again.

“Does this have anything to do with Harry?” she leaned back and crossed her arms, gazing at me intently.

I coughed and chuckled, “What?” She raised her eyebrows. “Harry and I are just friends.”

“Don’t give me that.” She wagged her finger at me.

My phone started ringing saving me from our uncomfortable conversation. I didn’t recognize the number but I answered anyway, “Hello, Natalie Hollandsworth speaking.”

“Hello miss Hollandsworth, this is Mrs. Putineli from the interview.”

“Oh yes hi. How are you?”

“I’m well, thank you. Listen I wanted to call and inform you about the scholarship.”


“Congratulations Miss Hollandsworth. You have received a full scholarship to attend the University of London in the fall.”

A smile of joy and excitement split across my face and Perrie looked at me with her eyebrows raised. “Thank you! Thank you so much! You won’t regret this.”

“I’m sure I won’t. I look forward to seeing you around campus.”

“Thank you. Have a wonderful day.”

“And you as well.” I hung up the phone and stared at it, before dropping it back into my purse.

“Well? What was that about?”

“I… I-I got the scholarship. I’m going to Uni in the fall.”

“That’s great Natalie. Congrats.”

“Thank you. I can’t wait to tell Harry.” I smiled as she cocked one eyebrow up at me and had a light smile on her lips. “My best friend Harry.

“Right,” she drew out the “i” sound and rolled her eyes.

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