Chapter 49

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*This Chapter Contains Smut*

We were enjoying the calm warmth of the atmosphere we created. I was relaxed as my body rose and fell lightly with the movement of both mine and Harry’s breathing. I was so relaxed I started to doze off, that is until I felt harry shift beneath me, moving his arms to wrap around me. I moved my arms to rest over his, holding one of his larger hands in both of my smaller ones. My eyes drifted closed again and stayed that way as my mind started to fade out, until I felt Harry’s hand that wasn’t trapped in my own move up my front to my chin. He tilted my head away from his gently and pressed a soft kiss to my jaw. I let out a content breath and he moved his lips lower, trailing kisses along my exposed neck.

His hand fell away from my face and moved down my chest. My eyes opened and my breath caught when he cupped my breast in his large hand. He made no move to do anything with that hand except rest it there as he pressed a slightly harder kiss to the skin where my neck met my shoulder. One of my dainty hands released his and I hooked my arm around his neck, weaving my hand into his hair. He took that as a go ahead, which it was. He massaged my breast as his teeth grazed my shoulder causing me to whimper.

He rubbed the pad of his thumb over my hardening nipple and bit into my neck causing me to release a moan. I felt his dick thicken beneath me as he pinched my nipple roughly and I tugged on his curls causing him to release a breathy groan. I pulled him so his lips could meet mine and I kissed him roughly. He moaned as I bit his lip and he squeezed my breast hard. I could feel his hard-on poking into my back now as we shared our heated kiss.

I pulled away breathing shallowly as he returned to the assault on my neck. “Haz?” I gasped out and he grunted in response. “Make love to me,” I let out in a soft, breathy voice.

His lips immediately ceased and stayed hesitantly on my shoulder a moment before he lifted his eyes to look into mine. “What?” he asked in bewilderment.

I cradled his cheek in my hand and watched for a moment as I traced my thumb along his bottom lip. I looked straight into his eyes as I repeated my statement in a more firm voice. “I want you to make love to me, Harry.” He gaped at me for a moment before he swallowed hard and nodded.

We carefully got out of the tub and dried off as much as possible before we linked our hands and slowly, silently made our way back into his bedroom. We turned to face each other by the side of the bed. He pushed a strand of hair off my shoulder and kissed the newly exposed skin. I let out a breath as I tugged him towards the bed; I sat on the edge and scooted back slightly inviting him towards me. he crawled over me and gently pushed me down, kissing me roughly. Soon our kiss became heated and sloppy, all tongue and teeth. He moved down my neck, nipping and sucking a decent sized lovebite into my collar bone. He left open mouthed kisses along the mound of my breast, before he swept his tongue over the hardened peak. I gasped and my hips bucked involuntarily causing my thigh to brush against his dick and he moaned.

“Harry, please.” He nodded and started to reach into his bedside table. I grabbed his wrist to stop him, “No, wanna feel you.”

“Are you sure Love?”

I nodded, “If you are.”

He smiled back at me and kissed my lips and his large hand spread my thighs. He repositioned himself between my legs and rubbed his cock in my juices before he slowly started to enter me. my breath hitched and he let his out in a sigh of relief as he pushed in further. I whimpered and it must have sounded distressed because his wide, concerned eyes met mine. “Does it hurt?” I squeezed my eyes shut and nodded slightly. “Natalie, I’m sorry I-“ he started to pull out and I grabbed his hip to stop him.

I opened my eyes to meet his and gave him a week smile, “No, s’alright, just gonna take a minute to get used to.” He still looked hesitant and my eyes turned pleading, “Please Haz. I want this.”

He dropped his head in a nod as he continued to push in until his hips met mine. He pressed his lips to mine in a soft kiss to distract me from the pain as I adjusted. We stayed that way until my discomfort had lessened, “Okay, you can move now.”

He shook his head, “Don’t wanna hurt you.”

“Please… I need you, Harry.”

He sighed and nodded slightly as he retracted his hips and gently rolled them back into mine. I let out a breath as he repeated the action, licking over the purple mark on my neck. I grunted in pleasure on a particularly hard thrust as the pain diminished and the good feeling intensified. His thrust remained slow, but deep as we shared sweet kisses here and there. I let out a long ‘oh’ as he found my sweet spot and he smirked. “Does it feel good baby girl?” I bit my lip and nodded. “C’mon now Love,” he tugged at my bitten lip with his thumb. “Lemme hear that beautiful voice.”

“Yes,” I moaned out as he hit it again.

“Me too baby. You feel so good around me.”

My hands found his shoulder blades as his pace quickened slightly. The head board was banging against the wall every time his hips met mine and soon I was seeing stars and raking my nails down his back. He moaned out as I clenched around him, but he didn’t release as his pace slowed. I hummed as he kissed my lips. He started to pull out, but I squeezed his hip to stop him, “Finish.”

“It’s o-” he started but stopped when I squeezed his hip tighter.

My voice was firmer this time, “Finish.”

He nodded and started to thrust into me again, quicker this time, placing his hand on my lower back and holding me to him. I watched his features as his brow furrowed in concentration. I pushed a few curls out of his face and cradled his cheek in my hand. I placed delicate kisses along his jaw and he hummed in satisfaction. I pulled back and his eyes met mine, “I love you, Harry.” He moaned and I lifted my mouth to his ear and whispered hotly, “Come for me Hazza. Show me how good I make you feel,” I finished with a soft open mouthed kiss to his neck.

He moaned and I felt his dick twitch as he released inside me. I brushed my nose against his cheek as his pace slowed, “Good boy.”

He turned to me, kissing me sloppily. “I love you, too, Natalie,” he breathed out. He placed another kiss to my lips as he pulled out and I winced. His eyes flashed with concern and a hint of guilt.

I smiled up at him, “M’alright, just a little sore is all.” I smoothed out the frowny crease in his forehead and he flopped next to me.

He trapped my thigh between his and shuffled us around so he could lay on my bicep and I could play with his hair. He wrapped his arms around my waist and nuzzled into me. “Good night babe,” he mumbled into my skin, followed by a gentle kiss.

“Good night, Haz,” I kissed his forehead as my hand continued to stroke through his curls.

His breaths softened into dull little snores as I thought about the events of the night with a smile. I looked down at the sleepy boy lain on my chest and kissed his head again as I whispered sweet nothings into his dreams. Soon I drifted off to sleep to the sound of his gentle breathing.

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