Chapter 44

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“Hey Natalie are you about to take your lunch?” Dan asked as I walked towards the break room.

“Yeah, I was. Do you need me to stay on for a bit longer?” I asked hesitantly. Perrie has been here waiting for me for about ten minutes.

“Oh no,” he gave me a kind smile. “I was just going to tell you we are overstaffed today and it’s pretty slow so you are free to clock out and go home if you’d like.”

“Oh okay, yeah, sweet; thanks Dan.” He nodded as he went towards the kitchen.

I walked into the break room and to my locker, grabbing my purse and punching my time card. I walked out to the table Perrie was sitting at, “Hey Pear. How are things?”

“Good…” she hesitated, a smile slowly growing on her lips. “What about for you? I just saw you a few days ago and you look… different.”

“Here you are ladies.”

“Thanks Aaron,” I said sweetly.

“Well that was quick. I didn’t even know you ordered.”

“I had Aaron put it in when he took yours.”

“Hmm. I guess it’s convenient to work here.”

“Yea it is,” I smiled.

“Seriously what is it with you? You’re like…. Glowing. You look happier than I’ve seen you in a while. What’s happened in the last three days?” My cheeks flushed a light pink as I smiled and looked down embarrassed. “Tell me!” she encouraged with a wide smile.

I bit my lip trying, and failing, to contain my smile, “Well…” I giggled, “Harry explained to me why he got in that guy’s face.”


“He was going on about how much of a jerk the guy was so I asked him why it bothered him so much; he said, and I quote, ‘because I’m not going to let some jerk push around the girl I love’.”

Her jaw dropped and her smile only grew, “Oh my gosh I knew it! I knew he had feelings for you too! So… what does that mean for you two? Like are you going to make it official?” I just shrugged and frowned in response. “Well haven’t you two spoken about it?”

“No. I think he’s been avoiding me.”

“Why do you think that?”

“Because I live with him and I’ve seen him the equivalent of about five minutes in the last three days… he was gone all day Sunday and when I got home from therapy yesterday I saw him, but then he got all weird and left to hang out at the bar and never came home.”

She scowled in thought for a moment, “Maybe it’s because he doesn’t know how you feel. If you think about it, he’s just told his best friend he loves her and doesn’t know how she feels. Maybe he thinks he made it awkward by saying something.”

“Well… yeah…. I guess you’re right. I never thought of it like that.”

“Call him; tell him you want him to come home tonight so you guys can talk.”

I nodded my head, “I’m going home early today—well right after this actually. I’ll see if he’s home and if not I’ll call him.”

“So go.”

Her statement caught me off guard, “What?”

“Go,” she chuckled through it, “I can see it in your face. You’re excited about talking to him. So go and talk to him now. I don’t mind, I’ll get this,” she said gesturing to the table of empty plates.

I smiled and breathed deep, “Okay, thank you Perrie. I’ll talk to you later,” I rushed out as I stood and made a beeline to the door.

I drove home in anxious silence, part of me was nervous and the other part was excited. I pulled onto our street and could already see Harry’s Range Rover in front of the house. I was in a giddy mood and tried to shove the negative thought of ‘I guess he didn’t plan on staying long’ out of my head. I pulled into the driveway and made my way inside to find him sitting at the dining table eating. “Hey Haz.”

He looked up and scrunched his brows at me, “You’re home early?”

I couldn’t decipher if he was upset or indifferent about that so I replied in a nonchalant manner, “Uh yeah we were overstaffed and slow, so Dan sent me home.”

He nodded, “Cool.”

“Yeah…. So uh, what have you been up to? I mean I feel like I haven’t really seen you since Saturday. Well aside from the brief-- strange-- encounter last night.”

“Well no I just uh… Strange?” he questioned with squinty eyes.

“Well you have to admit it was slightly weird Haz. I just told you about my therapy session and you got all… I don’t know—weird.”

“Weird?” he asked with a questioning expression.

“Weird Harry…” I said in a harsh tone, “like you ran away from me, weird; like you didn’t come home last night, weird,” I replied, sounding exasperated and frustrated.

“What are you my mother? Which, by the way, is where I was Sunday; I went to see her and Gemma. And I went to stay at Lou’s last night. Can’t I just stay at a friend’s house without getting questioned?” he said getting up and storming to throw his dishes in the sink. He turned back toward me with his hand on his hip, “I just stopped in to eat. I’m heading back out now. I’ll see you later.”

“So you’re going to go back to avoiding me?” I asked sounding annoyed which caused him to turn back around.

“Yes Natalie that’s exactly what I’m going to do,” he said in a sarcastic manner.

I huffed out a sigh as he started back towards the door, “Harry!” I shouted frustrated.

“What?!” he shouted back, turning and throwing his hands up.

“I love you too.”

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