Chapter 34

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“Oh the drive up wasn’t bad at all. It’s about two hours and Jen drove most of it,” I responded to my father. “How about for you; isn’t it almost three hours from Oxford?”

“Eh… two and a half. It wasn’t that bad.”

“Good. I’m glad you and mom decided to stay good friends after the divorce. Christmas wouldn’t be the same without both of you.”

“I agree Sweetheart, I agree.”

“Natalie darling, can you go get a small bag of ice from the corner store please?”

“Sure mum,” I stood up and walked towards the rooms. I found Jen and Tanya lounging in one, “Fer, mum needs us to go get ice.”

“Both of us?” she whined.

“Yeah, c’mon,” I jerked my head towards the front door.

“Fine,” she huffed and stormed passed me.

Tanya mouthed a ‘thank you’ and I shot her a wink before following after my sister. We got in my car and drove in silence towards the store, the radio playing softly in the background.

“Ooo, I love this song,” Jen fumbled with the dial turning it up, “Settle down with me. Cover me up. Cuddle me in. Lie down with me and holed me in your arms.” I laughed at her and turned the volume back down. “That’s the song I want to walk down the aisle to at my wedding.”

I awkwardly cleared my throat being caught off guard by her mention of wedding, “Yeah?” I forced out.

She smiled, “Yeah. I’ll be walking down the aisle towards her. Lip syncing the words to her because I’ll mean them, I’ll be so in love with her that the lyrics are just the perfect words for that situation.”

I smiled back at her as we pulled into the lot, grabbing a small bag of ice and making the drive back quicker than the drive there. “We’re back,” I called out, setting the ice in the freezer.

“Good dinner is just about ready. Why don’t we go into the lounge while the meat finishes in the oven, yeah?” I smiled as Jen nodded and we made our way in there, Jen taking a seat with Tanya and my mum and I sitting opposite them.

“Now that we’re all here…” Tanya moved to the edge of the couch and faced Jen, taking her hand, “There’s something I want to say.” Jen just looked between my mum and me with a confused expression before turning back to Tanya. “Jen, babe, it’s been two and a half years. Two and a half wonderful years and I love you more than words can express.” Jen smiled watching Tanya with such fondness in her eyes. “But… I don’t want to live with you anymore, as your girlfriend. So…” Tanya slipped off the couch and onto one knee and Jen smiled ear to ear as Tanya produced a ring. “Jennifer May Hollandsworth will you do me the pleasure of becoming my bride?” Everyone was in tears at Tanya’s speech as Jen gave a heartfelt ‘yes’ and kissed Tanya.

“Well I’ll go get some champagne to have with dinner so we can celebrate,” my mum said as she got up and went to the kitchen.

The rest of the evening was spent in celebration and the love of family and the next afternoon Jen, Tanya, and I drove back to London where we celebrated our own way just the three of us, by dancing and drinking.

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