Three: Meeting him

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The ball was boring. There was nothing interesting, only old people asking to converse with us.

I really hate this.

And I hate that stupid Prince Arthur even more. He was staring at me, like no thanks honey, back off! He's a walking disaster! If I get engaged to him, there goes my second chance! Bye bye, cute older brother and loving father, bye bye happy world! I'm really not willing to get myself killed...  Especially not for him.

Tugging on my father's clothes, I whispered: "Can I please be excused; the ball is making me drowsy." Blinking up at him innocently, he awed slightly before nodding.

Smiling slightly, I bid goodbye to the others before leaving.


Hours had passed and the party was still in full swing. Though I wasn't there, instead I had been gathering up a collection of scratches in the nearby forest. Father and the maids often said it was forbidden and bad to enter, but who cares?

When the maids saw me, they tsked and started to clean my body, bandaging up all the injuries. Whoops, I hadn't realised there were so many there.

Yawning, I ended up walking around the large castle which in six years--I still hadn't finished exploring. Suddenly, I heard the quiet patter of a trained professional and thuds from something I couldn't distinguish.

"Come out before I make you."

A man walked out, clapping his slender elegant hands together. By his side was a giant jet black panther and my eyes widened. This wasn't any ordinary man, that panther was a spirit beast.

His lips pulled up into a smirk and he said: "Who would have thought a small kitty like yourself could ever sense my presence, I'm wondering about you bright eyes." For the umpteenth time today, I frowned. He just insulted my eyes! So what if one was a blood red while the other was an azure blue. No one really dared comment on it, afraid of hurting the King's darling.

 No one really dared comment on it, afraid of hurting the King's darling

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^^^The man

But this man was no ordinary soul, I could feel it.

That and Analyse didn't work on him. All stats came up blank, except very few.

Name: ???

Age: ???

Race: ???

Mana: [Error]

HP: ???

IQ: ???

Stamina: 2, 000, 999, 999

Strength: 1, 999, 999, 020

Magic Attributes: Poison, Dark, Space, Void

Special Skills: [Locked]

Titles: [Locked]

Wow. Sure my body is a phenomenon and monsters person, but isn't he the real monster?  It even says error and locked! So powerful. How can someone have stamina and strength like that, that's even absurd to me! A voice echoed in my head.

'I don't know this child. His stamina and strength both surpass my own, and the aura he gives off is terrifying.'

I tilt my head in confusion. 'Aura, what aura Arty?'

'You can't see it yet, he's hiding it. Don't let your guard down.' Arty's voice warned me before my head once again became clear of his presence.

My daze was broken by this man. "Does my little kitten want to get away from the castle?" What? Kitten? What is with all these pet names? And does he realise I look six while he's in his late teenage years? That's paedophilia.

I shook my head. "I'm fine, I like it here."

He snickers. What's so funny? "Will you be if a devious and evil stepmother comes into your life?"

I froze.

No... No.... No! 

This shouldn't happen! I took precautions so it wouldn't, how did it become like this...

He saw the panic.

That... That bastard!

I regained my composure before speaking. "I have duties as a royal. Duty means doing things your heart may well regret. No matter how long I go away for, I will forever be royal and no matter the sacrifice, the people come first." This statement had long been implanted into my heart and though I originally would have found it foolish, it gave me a reason.

I used to find this world amusing, only a place to pass time.

But then I saw and met the people, watched as the kingdom changed and grew. Saw the commoners happily living life, all because of my family.

His voice turned harsh. "Spoken like a true royal. You're only a small insignificant six-year old kitty, the life that awaits you here is grooming you to become the bride of that little blue-haired prince. But that scum doesn't deserve my little woman." 

His golden eyes started to shine and he strode forward, sweeping me into his arms. I sat there in shock.



I had followed my future wife outside and into the forest—she was originally just wandering around gathering up injuries from an adorable and dangerous clumsiness. It made her all the cuter.

Thank god she didn't notice me, this invisibility cloak was very useful.

Her small feet stopped and I immediately hid behind one of the large stones.

Amaryllis' voice rang clear as she spoke. "Come out before I make you." I almost gasped—had she found me out? But how, this cloak blocks physical, mental and spiritual appearance. They say nobody can notice the person wearing it, that's why it's considered one of the world's seven treasures!

But instead of me walking out—a black-haired golden-eyed man with a panther next to him did. I almost gasped. This man! I knew exactly who he was! Seeing him immediately put me on edge, I need to watch out for my future wife!

A conversation followed between the two and he even had the nerve to ask about whisking her away to some foreign land like a knight does to a damsel in distress! No! I—Prince Arthur Illar va'Relmana—would not allow it! If Amaryllis was going to become a damsel, I would be the knight in shining silver armour! Not him!

But instead of agreeing, that amazing girl just told him her royal duty. Not only is she pretty and playful, she also cares for the people! Any sane person would want this person as their Queen!

As I thought he couldn't get any worse—he did the unthinkable.

He picked up the precious princess.

Bridal style.



WEEE, NEW CHAPTER. It is just about 2 am and I am writing this. Why world, the only light is from my screen so I am relying on memory of key placement.

ANYWAYS, a new man,a new harem member.

And jeez Arthur, you're a bit possessive for such a small child. He seemed to romanticize the whisking away of our 'damsel in distress'. Stupid boy.

And just a warning, I'm seriously considering that man as a future man for our main female lead :)))

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