Eight: Rants of a depressed bishie

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^^^The depressed bishounen harem member that has appeared!

Just a warning—there will be some explicit language in this chapter. Very few chapters will have this, but I feel like it could add personality wise.



I lay still on the white bench and sighed. Life truly sucked, people were total and absolute dicks. Most guys thought they were the centre of everyone's world and girls just fed their already huge egos by chasing after them.

This is why I was alone, in the garden no one really went to. It was hidden away and you could only come across it by going through multiple twists and turns, nobody really came here because of that. The only times they would come is when they were lost.

All of a sudden, a pair of polished and small black shoes appeared in front of my face. A girl? Why could I not hear her, the plants nor the water had alerted me to her approachment and I didn't feel her either... They may not have told me because the aura she was giving out was strangely soothing and comforting. 

She seems to be an abnormality.

Looking up, my blue eyes locked onto her red and blue ones. Long silver hair was curled into two pigtails and the school's classic blue bowler hat sat atop her cute head. Her skin was pale and appeared to be crafted from the finest, smoothest material. Cute pink lips were pulled into a worried frown as she looked at me.

Okay—this girl is a real abnormality. Such a beautiful creature, maybe she was a fairy or goddess? Perhaps both? She continued to stare and I jumped to my senses, immediately shooting up and sliding to the side so she could take a seat.

A small smile graced her delicate face and my heart seemed to beat faster. Huh? What's wrong with me? Why does my heart feel like it's going at such a fast speed?

She sat down, cutely folding one leg over the other before looking out at the water.

"It sucks, doesn't it? Feeling like you're not good enough for others."

I was shocked, how... How did she realise this? No one really ever said this, they all thought I was some happy Prince from a pampered background. In reality, it absolutely sucked. Even when I was grumpy and obviously unhappy, no one noticed so how does this tiny woman realise something like this?

"I'm tired of feeling sad and lonely and unwanted." It slipped out. What? How?! I bet you it's the aura!

She nodded and gestured me to continue. Somehow, all my emotions poured out to this dainty and beautiful woman. 

"Do they even realise how much it fucking hurts? Do they understand what it's like to be constantly compared to your siblings just because they beat you and are talented in something that you're not? What it's not like to be the most hated child in the family, well let me tell you, it feels shit. It makes you want to die, y'know? You try so fucking hard but at the end of the day, it's all for nothing. After a while, you just get tired. And not the tired cured by sleep, a much worse version of tired. 

 "If I could throw this life away—even for a day—I would. The praise and the money and the people just aren't worth it to keep going anymore, they're just not what I need. But I always tell myself, do it for your people, do it for your family but never once can I do anything for myself. Why the fuck can I not just live a peaceful and simple life where I can be happy for once? I always wonder why it's me, why not someone else who could appreciate this life?!" 

I was out of breath by the end and I became aware that tears were rolling down my face. Shit, I was crying in front of a pretty girl, how embarrassing...

She caught me at a shitty time.

But she didn't laugh like others would have or try and speak words of comfort, she just pulled me into her embrace. Her small hand stroked my hair soothingly and she mumbled a few words that really turned on the waterworks.

"It's okay to cry, it's just me and you,"

So I started to sob. Cry so hard it hurt into the angel's shoulder. I must have cried for hours but not once did she try to leave, instead just steadily stroking my hair. It sort of reminded me of what I've seen a mother do with her child before. How nice it felt, I had always envied the children whose mothers had stroked their hair but at least I now know what it feels like.

I felt the utmost trust for this girl, more than I had ever felt before. Trust, respect and awe. How can there still be a person so pure and untainted from this world, so kind towards a stranger she doesn't even know. It was just crazy, but it felt amazing.

I knew I looked like hell, but when I saw her eyes, I realised it didn't matter. She didn't care I wasn't noble or perfect, she just looked at me for me. No judgement, no disgust or despise. And it felt good, hell, it felt amazing! 

I had never thought someone could be like that, always thinking that only slimy and cruel people would appear in this world. Always believed that I had done something in my previous life to deserve this torture, but maybe it was all a lead up to this moment. This moment where an angel comforts the mortal soul.

She smiled down and my blue eyes just looked at her, drinking in those features once again. My tears had run out and now I was just content. It was the first time in a very long time I felt like this.

And this girl was the reason for it.

I sure as hell wasn't willing to let her go.


YES, YES, YES! NEW HANDSOME BISHIE, NEW HANDSOME BISHIE IN THE HOUSE! My poor baby, he's had a tough time. Luckily he now has some hope—in the form of a beautiful little girl named Amaryllis. (^-^)

Can I say, I am already in love with their relationship, it just feels so sweet. He never had anyone he really trusted and all of a sudden POOF, there she is. I know it seems unrealistic but our MC just gives off this loving vibe.

And our beautiful bishie hasn't experienced this so he feels good. 

Okay, this is the sixth chapter I've written/posted today. All those chapters were to lead up to this one—I am very happy right now. Not only that, we went from 100 views to 200 in a day. Just wow, thank you all so so much!

 Like usual, any thoughts or comments?

[EXTRA] OML I JUST REALISED I SKIPPED A CHAPTER. I didn't put five in, whoops! I forgot there was a prologue tbh. Eh, I'll go and fix those now. *speedily escapes*

[EXTRA EXTRA] I feel like I should probably make this known but she caught him at a really shitty point. And why did he tell her everything? Because sometimes it's easier to tell a stranger everything that you feel then to tell your best friend. 

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