Thirty: The story of ice and fire

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Ignoring Arty's words of concern and warning, I edged closer to the freezing door. On closer inspection, it was one of the ost intricately designed things I had ever come across. Embedded into the ice and crystal were carvings of a gruesome battle between two opposing opposites—fire and ice.

To the lower left of the door seemed to be the start of this rivalry, two different figures with different personalities met. You could tell who was who, fire was the passionate, extroverted and tall young man who had tried to befriend the cold, indifferent and much smaller young woman portrayed as ice. She ignored the complete opposite's many advances, sticking to herself and expanding on her knowledge while the other played around.

It showed a love-hate relationship between the two. The art truly showed that opposites are strangely attracted to each other like north and south on a magnet but in this case, it was a fiery person and an icy one.

Moving upwards, the next picture depicted the passionate man becoming enthralled with a new, more enchanting woman. The icy woman may have been cold and indifferent but she truly loved him, when she fell in love—unlike with the firey man—she would never fall out so easily. Seeing him infatuated with another woman, she became enraged and confronted him.

The two then separated.

Ice returned to her original lonely and cold lifestyle while fire continued in his old playboy, foolish ways.

Though he played around, fire could never forget about the indifferent woman he had spent so much time chasing after. Though they once had something together, she now completely disregarded his existence. The once much warmer woman had closed herself off, even more than before, never to truly open up.

Devastated by her unfriendly and almost despising attitude towards him, fire became upset. Soon he came to a realisation if he became her true one and only rival, she would have no reason to shake him off.

Ice was naturally mad that her new rival was also her passionate ex-lover. Never did she think that he was still in love with her indifferent ways and instead thought he was only trying to make her maid and distracted from her future.

This was the beginning of an epic rivalry between two entirely different people. The only similarity between the two was their love for one another.

Over time, the cold woman gained a favourable and high place in this world as a general by a king's side while the fiery man joined her country's enemy in the same position. The two countries were unstable with each other, each wishing to further their own territory by conquering the other.

Inevitably, they met on the battlefield.

When he saw his beloved woman once again, the passionate man was shocked. No longer was she hidden in the shadows but at the forefront of her army. With one glance you could tell that she had been to battle many times and that the soldiers of her country held the highest regard for her. There were also many loving gazes directed towards the unfeeling woman.

Fire swore that when she caught sight of him atop his mighty white horse, she emitted an even darker, colder aura. It frightened him that the woman who had once loved him so deeply—and yes, he had realised that she used to be enchanted by him—became a cold, distant thing he could never obtain.

So the two countries fought. Each general ordered their side not to attack the opposing side's general. This was all so the two past lovers could fight each other.

And they did.

It was a gory battle and eventually, the two were filled with endless wounds, some insignificant while others were fatal. Fire smiled at the small, cold woman in his arms. Through all this time, she still held a very similar if not identical appearance to the girl from his memories.

And with that, he confessed. Ice was shocked before bursting out in tears and the two past lovers reconciled, holding each other as they both slowly suffered from their painful wounds.

But the two never expected the god above to take a pity on them, instead of their souls dispersing back into the reincarnation cycle, the pair of lovers had their souls implanted inside extraordinary swords.

It was a sad story but it did give me some idea of what was inside the room.

The most likely possibility was that it was the woman from the pair of lovers.

Arty encouraged me to open the beautiful door and I did. Looking inside, I noticed that the whole room was frozen over and exceeded a freezing temperature. Even with an unearthly amount of mana and all the magic types, I started to feel exhausted.

This cold was just too strange.

The next thing I noticed was the pedestal in the middle of the room. It wasn't anything of extraordinary beauty, more like a frozen over rock but with the glistening ice covering it, it looked like a precious stone.

And embedded into that sparkling stone was a long, pale blue and silver sword.

I stared at the weapon. Something was attracting me towards it.

Walking closer, I reached out to touch the still sword. Under my touch, I felt the once silent weapon start to vibrate.


Far, far away from Amaryllis' current position were a group of people. There were ten in total, each very beautiful in their own right. All were staring at the large crystal that produced an image in front of them.

And what was shown inside this crystal?

It was Amaryllis.

One of the male's lips lifted upwards in a smirk. He turned to all the others inside the beautiful room and spoke.

"That is God's favourite person. If we have her, we have the world. Now ladies and gentlemen, what do you say?"


Yes, my friends, this is the end of the first book. Chapter 30. Currently, there is no set date for the second volume but I will put up a notice about it in here when I do publish it.

I know some of you may be mad because of this but I thought it would be a good point to end the first volume. Please accept my decision.

On a much happier note, this is my first properly completed novel. It's been amazing to write this and the support I've been given makes me extremely happy. I know it's pretty cliché but I wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for you all.

As I publish this final chapter of Book One, it's about to reach 40k views and 3k votes. Once again, thank you so much.

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