Thirteen: Classmates with nose bleeds are weird

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I stared at them. They stared back at me.

We were having a staring competition and I wasn't going to lose. Their eyes widened as they became slightly watery but those classmates still refused to blink.

From the corner of my eye, I saw someone blink. Then their nose seemed to erupt like a volcano but instead of magma, it was blood.


Soon, the teacher broke us out of our trances and said to me: "Take a seat wherever."

My eyes scanned the room, spotting a seat next to a pink-haired girl wearing glasses that framed her large doe grey eyes. She looked nice—I had never met her during the game so she couldn't be a death flag. A good friend to have.

 A good friend to have

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^^^The girl

As I approached, she smiled. Her ivory hand lifted up in a wave and I grinned back. Since I now have pink hair, may as well associate myself with other pinkettes. I sat down next to her, introducing myself.

Her voice was small and shy. "Hi there, my name is Lillian but you may call me Lily, I'm in House Pegasus and is it okay if I ask a question?" I nodded. She wasn't in House Unicorn like me, what a shame.

"W-well umm..." Her pale cheeks were stained red. "Are you really Amaryllis Fleur de Kusteza from the opening ceremony? You just look so different... Not that you're ugly or anything, I mean, you are adorable in both forms and, and... I'll just stop speaking now." 

I giggled. How cute.

With a short explanation of what happened, the class soon fell silent. And our teacher—Ms Rileta as she was called—started teaching.

It was easier than I had originally thought. If I put my head down and worked, I could get it done shorter than anyone else in the class and according to Ms Rileta, better too. Maybe it was due to my endless years of studying because of that snake, this was just about the only good thing that came out of her.

The bell soon rang and Lily guided me to the cafeteria. As I walked out the large doorway, a fluffy ball of wool jumped on me, licking my face and nuzzling me.

"Hello there, my dear! You still look so adorable with those little horns of yours... Why must you be shown to others? I should just keep you for myself! Yes, that is a good idea..."

As we entered the overly-sized cafeteria, many people who saw the door paused. Others tapped their friends and pointed. I even saw a few more red noses. What? Why is everyone looking? Did I do something wrong again?

Giving an awkward wave to the wide-eyed schoolmates, I pulled Lily towards the food. Grabbing some, we walked up to the second level—the VIP equivalent of a restaurant. It was for students who were in class Z. At most, there could only be 180 students up here at a time.

I practically shoved Lily towards an empty table by the window. It had beautiful views of the sea. The cafeteria was on the border of the school and ocean. Sitting down on the cushioned seats, we chattered and ate our food.

It felt good.


Maybe a bit too peaceful...

But I heard a bit of important information. We were going to visit a place very important to this place.

The Imperial Palace. 

The palace where the Emperor lives. Though he wasn't very good in my books, I still really wanted to visit. After all, I had never stepped foot into an Imperial Palace yet—my own home may have been a castle but it was different.


A few weeks went by and the trip to the palace was happening today! Unlike other days, we did not have to wear our uniform and instead were encouraged to wear our own more formal clothing. It was also snowing so warm clothes were appropriate.

I had also not changed back to my original size and was still stuck with this very annoying long pink hair and ram horns. I had even been called a demon when I went out before. But most just complimented me on my 'cute' and 'delicate' appearance.

Aries had been bounding around me when I woke up. Actually, he was more like a roommate than my real roommate. I honestly had no idea who they were as this mysterious roommate of mine never appeared. Her clothes were all stored in the other wardrobe but they were never here.

Soon, the little ram dragged out a winter-appropriate outfit. I must say, I liked it.

^^^The outfit (I really like it tbh)

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^^^The outfit (I really like it tbh)

After slipping on the snow-white boots and pulling on that fluffy hat, I walked out into the snow. I saw many other girls from my grade looking at me with some even awing about how adorable I was.

Reaching the extravagant front gates of the school, the first thing I noticed was the expensive carriages being pulled by strong pure-white horses. On a closer look, I was shocked.

Unicorns! These were unicorns!

Creatures that were so rare and shy, to even meet one in a thousand years was already almost impossible but they were just lined up as if ordinary horses here! This certainly wasn't the academy's so it must have been the Emperors!

Did he hold the academy in such high regards that he would dare send unicorns to escort the students to his palace?

Ignoring the students around me, I edged closer to one of the smaller and more docile unicorns out of the bunch. With a sugar cube in hand, I coaxed it to come towards me. Smiling, I realised I made a new friend.

After roll call and instructions, we got into the carriages provided and drove to the palace.


We had free roam while we were here. The servants had greeted us at the gates but that was as far as it went.

I split up from Lily, instead deciding to wander around aimlessly. Then I came across a really really large and intricately designed door. Opening it, I looked inside.

Inside stood a throne—there seemed to be a dragon curling around it. On one of the larger spikes lay a very soft looking robe. Scrambling towards it with Aries following behind me, I almost squealed before pulling off my own coat and replacing it with this one.

Sitting on the throne, I then snuggled into the dragon robe and started to snooze.


OH NOS, DON'T DO IT AMARYLLIS. I'm pretty sure most of us know what this room is. And if you don't you'll find out. Not sure if I'll post another chappie today—probably will though. 

Well, this chapter doesn't have a whole lot of stuff but it is the start of an important relationship.

I was filming something for school and I had to fall from a tree. Scraped myself and drew blood, aren't I smart.


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