Fourteen: The Emperor

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^^^zat is the Emperor up there ^-^


I was tired and simply wanted to retreat to my throne for a quick rest. The dragon robe I wore was the comfiest out of all mine. Even though the Academy children were visiting, I'm sure it was enough to send them the unicorns.

Dismissing all others but my guards, I explicitly told them to wait outside while I rested inside. Sighing, I speedily entered the room and headed towards my throne.

Then I froze.

What... Why was there a load of pink hair sprouting out from my robe? Actually, why was it on the seat instead of a dragon spike. My only logical conclusion was that someone was there! But no assassin was that tiny... It was probably a toddler.

Looking to beside the throne, I spotted it. A fluffy ram. His beady black eyes stared at me—almost daring me. I must be hallucinating, sheep can't be this intelligent, can they? As a precaution, my spirit beast appeared next to me.

Walking forward, I finally saw it. Facing my dragon throne was a delicate little girl. Her face seemed to be made of ivory and a small button nose complimented those candy lips. She was cute.

I was about to take the robe away from her before I paused. She was so cute... Maybe I should just let her use it, yes that is a good idea. Slowly, I moved the small child swaddled in my clothes from the throne to my arms. Then, I sat down and put her against my chest.

Her only reply seemed to be a mumble of acceptance before peaceful and harmonious breathing came back. I knew it must have looked strange, the feared and revered Emperor sitting with a small girl bundled up like a baby in his arms while a fierce spirit beast and a small sheep sat on either side.

Chuckling to myself, I stroked her silky hair.

It felt surprisingly nice and relaxing. 


A few hours later, a small handful of people burst into the room. I frowned before noticing who it was. 

Along with one of my guards and the Prime Minister, there was also a pinkette (similar colour to the one snuggled in my arms) and headmaster Dusquarr. Sighing, I knew that even I could no longer kick them out.

The girl with the braided hair spoke rushed words. "Your Majesty, my friend is missing! She's not in her true form right now, instead, she looks like a little kid! We humbly ask Your Majesty to employ a search and rescue party please!" A little girl?

I looked down at the still sound asleep girl in my arms... Was this who she was looking for? It would explain a lot, mainly how the girl got into the palace let alone the throne room. We had allowed all students from the Academy free access to roam anywhere but private quarters...

Suddenly, a cute little yawn was heard. Long pink hair appeared from under the robe and those present in the room looked in shock. What, was it that weird that I was holding her? She was sleeping so peacefully in my robe...

Her doe eyes looked up at me and long lashes blinked up at me sleepily. She then said: "So you were the one holding me while I slept and petting my hair. I liked it, your chest and the robe were very comfortable. Thank you."

I almost cooed at her groggy voice. It was high-pitched and I couldn't imagine this girl as any other form like the other pinkette had implied. Her sparkling blue eyes suddenly widened and she started to apologise.

"Your Majesty! I had no idea it was you, is this perhaps your throne and robe? If so, I deeply apologise for my previous actions. All I ask of you is to please not trouble my kingdom over this matter..." Kingdom? So she was a princess...

"What kingdom child?" My voice seemed a bit cold and I almost frowned.

She stared up at me, eyes turning slightly harsher. "Argonda. And I may pay respect to you now but if you even think of going against my kingdom, my kindness will end." I was surprised. Such a threat came from a little girl and why did it seem so real? Then again, she was a princess of Argonda... Even I could not conquer them without very heavy casualties. They also had a 50% chance of winning if we went to war.

I shook my head. "I wouldn't touch it as you have done nothing wrong. In fact, I rather enjoyed your company and would like to invite you to the Palace sometimes to accompany me and the like." Everyone looked confused. The renowned ruthless and cold Emperor was asking a little girl to hang out with him. But she was cute so it doesn't matter.

She nodded and I inquired her name. She replied with a short and sweet 'Amaryllis.' How charming, a flower name. Suits her well too.

"Well little angel, I am Zadco, but if you want, you may call me Big Brother." This little girl had already been adopted into my family and I would protect her at all costs. Especially from other men. Innocence must not be tainted.

Amaryllis smiled and nodded. "Of course Big Brother! I will happily visit you, but is it okay if I have something to let me go around the Palace freely?" With a bright smile, I handed her a gold medallion. Originally it should be for the Empress but I put a much higher regard on my Little Sister.

She was way more precious than any seductive and power-hungry woman.

And I would treat her way better than any other woman. She was my new family after all.


So no, at this stage the Emperor has not joined the pedo squad. He sees our MC as his little sister—I think it's cute. I mean, he let her sleep on him for god's sake. She also needed a non-romantically interested big brother to aid her through development. But I really wonder how does this woman keep attracting all these bishies at such a young age.

Maybe when she's older he will like her in another way. But for now, he won't.

I should also mention Aries is terrifying when he wants to be ;)

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