Twenty-four: You are my sunshine...

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^^^The song still left on the music box (I was in tears while listening to this and writing the chapter)


I looked up and saw my Father and that snake.

My heart stopped.

Father, oh dear Father. What happened to you?

The once full-of-life face now appeared half-dead. Father looked thinner and his eyes were not filled with their usual splendour and colour. Instead, they were lifeless and devoid of any colour. The once healthy glow he had emitted was now sour.

At least he was happy to see me...

But what shocked me—even more so than Father's transformation, was what that snake was holding.

It was a music box.

Mother's music box.

Why... Why was she holding it?! How dare she lay her filthy paws on Mother's precious item? What right does she—a vile and venomous woman—to touch a gentle and kind woman's item?!

I let out a snarl, springing up and grabbing the box from her hand and clutching it to my chest. She seemed shocked as I glared at her disgusting figure—undisguised hate and killing intent in my eyes.

There were two intense auras being released from behind me and I almost sighed in relief. Etti and Big Brother were backing me up. Even if that witch wanted to do something underhanded—she wouldn't dare to anymore.

Father frowned and I saw him look at Caroline in absolute disgust. Even an ordinary person could feel the disgust radiating from the depths of his bones and out of his skin. They were surprised—everyone knew that this was the Queen, his second wife. Then they remembered—this was an arranged and forced marriage by the Council. 

After all, the whole world was aware of the deep love the original Argonda royal family—my family—held for each other. To touch one of us would have been a call for death, no matter the status or prestige one has. It was unforgivable to harm my family.

But this music box... Mother had given it to me at birth. Though there was only one song left from it—as the rest were destroyed soon after that snake came into the family—it was more precious than any other item. To touch it was a taboo and to even think those filthy slimy hands lay hands on Mother's gift, she deserves a fate worse than death.

I turned around, silently moving to sit on the mat laid out. Father soon followed and sat next to me silently. He then pulled me onto his lap. I turned around, letting out a little sniff.

Across from us, I heard the friendly chatter between the Empress and Caroline.


Two snakes joining together. How fitting.

They were both extravagant and greedy, only wished for beauty and disregarded those who their people thought in higher regard.

Soon, lunch came and Lucian had not arrived.


It would be bad for him to deal with this.

After eating, that stupid Empress and Caroline went on a long walk—I hope they never return.

Etti and Big brother seemed to understand that Father and I needed alone time so they left the garden. We were the only people left as the servants and maids had also gone.

Father's crimson eyes looked down at the music box before nodding. Nodding back, I slowly turned the handle. Soon, the delicate and sweet melody came out.

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