Six: The stupid snake allows me to attend school

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^^^The school uniform

Years had passed since that snake became Lucian and I's stepmother. I had done all I could to make her life a living hell yet she still somehow managed to make mine worse.

Soon after the wedding and her ceremony to become Queen, she had locked me away from the outside world, claiming that I was 'fragile' and too 'unhealthy' to be seen to the public. I was aware riots were happening and after two years, they had finally faded to only be talked about between people. They were angry that I wasn't shown to the public.

The genius prodigy princess was apparently too frail to see her people, I was sympathised with and my supporters grew much to the dislike of Caroline. She had hated me even more as I had persuaded Father to only give her a minuscule allowance compared to what she wanted. No one was going to try bankrupt my kingdom while I'm the watch dog.

Over time, Lucian and I turned from our original extremely bubbly people to more bitter and realistic ones. In front of others, we seemed the true definition of refined nobility—cold and domineering—but between us and Father, we would only reveal happiness.

Lucian had been sent to school when he turned ten, but Caroline refused to let me go there. That snake had it out for me, trying to completely destroy my happiness. Too bad she didn't.

I hadn't forgotten about Eshai and Varyllis—they were often in my thoughts. I was curious, after our meeting, I had never gotten a glimpse of them again. But somehow I knew they were watching. How? I felt the comfortable feeling Varyllis provided me sometimes and the strange one that Eshai gave me.

Six years—six years in this living hell. Every day I had some sort of lesson and all I now wanted was a day off, to do things myself without being told. But she never gave me one and Father couldn't speak up because this was a mother's job and to the rest of the world, Caroline was my mother.

I knew the people didn't like her—they seemed to be aware of her vicious personality and out-of-hand spending. There had even been a few riots about getting rid of her, though the Council did not allow this. Those old geezers had chosen this woman and they would never go back on what they said—all for their pathetic pride.

The only good thing about this was that no death flags due to the harem members had been raised, thank god.

It had taken years and years of convincing, but along with the pressure of my Father and Lucian, that snake allowed me to go to school. The same one as my dearest Onii-chan—an elite school for all those with talent. It was the school where the game was based around, Valrea Academy of Magic and Swordsmanship. The heroine—unlike every other capture target or rival in the game—had only appeared at the school age twelve, my age. Basically, we're going to go to school together.

This wouldn't raise a death flag itself... Would it?

One can only hope I guess.

Just after I had finished with these thoughts, the snake—I mean Caroline burst through my white doors. She was dressed to the highest degree—in a silk blue gown that should only be worn at the most elite balls. But this was her daily wardrobe.

Disgusting witch.

Painted lips curled into a sneer as she saw me and pointed at the door. The maid brushing my long silver hair took this as a sign to leave and immediately ran away from the vicious woman.

I lazily closed my blue eye, only showing the blood red one to her. Showing her who I am and that even though she is the current Queen, I am a true born of the royal family—a daughter of the first wife and real Queen. There will always be a different treatment between Mother and Caroline, and the snake is well aware of that fact.

Her slim arms held a red and blue uniform. My uniform. The ticket out of this place.

I smirked, looking up at that despicable woman. I would show her that she can't break my will down to do her bidding, I refuse to allow it. She stomped over in this loud and unnecessary heels, practically throwing down—elegantly of course—my haven.

"You leave in an hour brat, hurry up." I knew she was happy about my leaving—finally believing she would have the chance to monopolize the kingdom and Father. Too bad I had already instructed Father what to do and if he had a problem, contact between a special message system I had created.

She then walked out and the maid came rushing back in. She wanted to help me change but I refused. Quietly, the maid went back to brushing my silver hair and curling them into two low pigtails. I missed my personal maid Anita from back before the witch and her sharp tongue.

All these maids were Caroline's choice as soon after marrying into the family, she had fired Anita and my other servant supporters, instead opting to replace them with her own personal choice—all loyal to her alone.

The pink-haired maid placed a blue bowler hat wrapped in a red plaid bow on top of my now curled hair. I sighed.

Standing up, I did a twirl in front of the mirror and she praised me for my looks.

By now, I had figured out that servants believed flattering would get them anywhere to nobles. Maybe for most, but not for Lucian, Father and I. We much preferred personality over praise and beauty unlike Caroline who only cared about those beautiful—well, unless they were more beautiful than her. Then she would hate them with a passion.

Slipping the black deer leather shows onto my sock-clad feet, I once again sighed before going to bid goodbye to my Father. It was a touching separation, full of tears and cuddles (mostly on his part).

Caroline—the stupid witch—interrupted us, using the excuse I had to go. With one more large hug, I departed on a rather plain-looking carriage. I knew it was the snake's fault, she would never allow me to go anywhere in what royalty would.


I really hate Caroline. Stupid witch.


I think it's because I really want to write something that should appear in the next few chapters. Soon our MC will meet with most of the harem members and the heroine, what's gonna happen? 

Maybe I'll update today, but not many others will happen until after Thursday most likely as I have an assessment to work on.. (which I forgot to do today, whoops.)

Eh, I'll start writing chapter eight right after publishing this. I feel so accomplished right now in all honesty, this story is just so enjoyable to write for me and I don't think I'll get bored of it soon which is a good thing.

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