Twenty: The return of the fairies

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I alerted Quin of the little... situation we were now in.

He was just as shocked as I was. He wanted to take a sniff but while he could smell the exact pack a person comes from and the members, I could smell the races of someone.

'You're serious, right? Please don't try to trick me. The fairies are even more frightening than Etti! '

I knew he was scared. Hell, I was scared. Nobody could compete with the fairies, that was just plain logic. Even the Argondians are extremely cautious of them. That was why people never forced contracts on fairies. The whole race would go after that person and cause them to disappear off the face of the planet.

Even Father had never tasted a fairy, no matter how delicious they smelt, he wouldn't dare.

In a war between vampires and fairies, the fairies would easily come out on top. Actually, the fairies would come out on top of any remotely humanoid species. The only contenders of them could really be the mystic creatures but they didn't like to meddle with the mortal affairs. Instead, they lived in their clouds and heavens or some mystical place filled with rich energy.

And now, we had harassed a fairy. But Amaryllis didn't smell like just any fairy, she smelt like a high-ranking one. It would explain all the different elements inside her blood though and that endless source of life.

Damn, when we get the best catch possible she just has to end up as a powerful species!

But does she know?

"Hey little thing, are you a fairy?" May as well ask her.

That small head turned to me, tilted. Her mismatched eyes scrunched up in confusion. "No?"

So she doesn't know... That's weird.

But why haven't the fairies collected her? They always knew where their own was and would always come get them to bring home. This case was too abnormal...

Could this be a form of protection from the fairies? The world knew that they would look after their own till the day they die so did they leave her here because she's precious to them? When I thought about it, everything made a bit more sense. Still, it was rather confusing.

And when I thought about it, Mother's books had always said that fairies names ended with 'yllis.' There was no reason for it but they just did. I had originally thought that her parents had named her Amaryllis because they liked the flower... Not because she's a fairy!

There was a loud banging noise.

Snapping out of my daze, I looked around. Nobody was moving.


I saw Quin and Amaryllis also looking dumbfounded. It felt like time had stopped. No seriously, nothing and no one was moving. The teacher's lips were half-opened as if she was about to say something.

Suddenly, there was a bright blinding flash of white.

In front of me stood a woman. And she had sparkling translucent blue and purple wings.

 And she had sparkling translucent blue and purple wings

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^^^The fairy

Her lovely face was twisted into an unhappy scowl as she stared at all three of us -well, at Quin and I. For Amaryllis, her gaze only held love.

"Why are you holding Princess like that you disgusting vampire?" When she spoke, her voice was filled with anger. But inside my head, that sentence kept repeating. I even ignored that melodic voice of hers.

Why are you holding princess like that you disgusting vampire?

Holding princess like that you disgusting vampire...


Did that high-ranking fairy just call the little thing in my arms Princess?!

Amaryllis a fairy princess? WHAT?! This was too much to take in... A fairy princess, a widely-loved and idolised person amongst the fairies had now been bitten by me and harassed by countless others. That's bad. Very bad.

The woman continued to glare at Quin and I. Amaryllis was no longer fidgeting in my lap, instead just sitting still with a dazed look on her face.

Then she burst out. "Why did you call me princess? Fairies have never called royalty of any opposing countries by their title, instead opting to use their name! Why have you called me princess, this makes no sense!" I guess she still hasn't realised.

Realised that she was the fairy amongst fairies. The créme of the crop. The future Queen of Fairies.

I wonder what's going to happen when she takes over the kingdom? Will there be a catastrophe? Will there be world domination? If she truly wanted to, Amaryllis could probably take over the world...

She might even be able to do it now. After all, she was contracted with those Zodiacs. And yes, I am aware what they are. Only idiots shouldn't be after Scorpio's display of power. But when she came over to strangle that green-haired woman, I had smelt her.

Smelt the power of a Zodiac. Unlike other species, each Zodiac had a very specific scent. They were the only species where I could figure out the precise name of them. It's because they were old and are across the many galaxies and different worlds.

Anyway, back to the problem at hand.

There was a Unique Fairy standing in front of me. And she had called the delicious delicacy in my arms Princess.

This quite possibly the worst situation anyone could be in.

I then realised the world was about to end.

We're dead.

Vampires are dead.

Hell, everybody's going to die.

There is going to be a huge massacre soon.

And I'm not ready for it.

Nor is the rest of this pathetic world.



I was wondering if I should make this the end of the book or continue on. Regardless of your choice, there should be a book two coming out after book one. So be excited for that.

There also might be another story set in this world specifically after I've finished this one.

So opinions people. Don't feel frightened, share them with Rain. Though your choice may not come true and just because your half has the most votes it doesn't matter. I am curious on what you guys want, that's all.

Also, shout out to @Loera-ci for making some connections between things last chappie.

Bye bye now<3

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