Sixteen: Seductive scorpion enters the house

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Big Brother and Etti were accompanying on a walk around the Imperial gardens when I suddenly felt a sudden spike in spiritual energy around the garden. I saw them pale slightly and beside me, Aries perked up. His voice called out to me.

"Amaryllis, another Zodiac is here." I stared at Big Brother and Etti in confusion. They then nodded hesitantly to me. 

"Scorpio. Human form." 

Walking towards the large amounts of energy, I saw Etti draw his sword before falling into step behind me. Big Brother followed behind us helplessly. If it wasn't his spirit beast, the Zodiac's powers would have overwhelmed him. Only God knows how Etti didn't feel pressured like Big Brother.

'Actually, I don't know. He's another abnormality I wasn't aware of. Damn, I shouldn't have taken a century break...' Shut up Arty.

Soon, I spotted a dark purple gazebo. On the exterior, it looked identical to the one that Aries had previously resided in. Interesting, do all Zodiacs stay in this building till they form a contract?

Walking in, I immediately spotted the purple-haired red-eyed woman sitting on a throne-like chair in the middle of the room. Surrounding her were tens of hundreds of scorpions, all poised to attack.

 Surrounding her were tens of hundreds of scorpions, all poised to attack

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^^^That's her (Scorpio)

So this was Scorpio. Just by a quick glance, one could tell this woman was highly attractive. Even as a female myself, I had to give her points on how seductive she was.

Maybe it was because of those large watermelons on her chest.


Definitely the watermelons.

A devilish and mysterious aura covered her entire being and I heard Aries make a little sneer by my side. Her devilish eyes shot to the ram beside me before narrowing. A smirk then graced her perfect face.

Her eyes turned to me and filled with interest. "So you are the human the others have told me about, how small. Has Aries really not told you how to change back? How cruel." I turned to Aries with a glare asking 'What the hell?!' and he huffed in response.

"Why did you tell her Scorpio, doesn't she look adorable in her contracted form?" His normally adorable poofiness was now annoying me to no end. Picking him up with my small toddler hands—he was really light—I threw him out the gazebo doors.

Scorpio laughed, sauntering over to me. Her tall frame towered over me like a Queen looking down on a commoner. It certainly wasn't appreciated. My eyes held hers and she laughed once again, picking me up and resting me against that soft cloud-like bazoongas.

Holy mother of Arty!

I feel like I understand why men are so attracted to the female bosoms. It felt nice to lay there.

I mean really, who thought that these huge things could be so nice to sit on! It was so strange, something so pleasing could be on the female's parts.

Well, until I felt a prick. Frowning, I saw her wrist connect with my own. Oh god, not again! A new contract?! Wasn't Aries enough, how am I meant to deal with such a seductive woman on my own... Arty, save my soul.

'No can do. I may love you the most Amar but I still have to respect the Zodiacs.' He chuckled over our link and I almost burst out crying.

Suddenly, Scorpio put me down but I seemed to shoot upwards till I was standing eye-to-eye with her.

Huh? I saw Scorpio smirk.

Looking down, I saw two snow white watermelons in my way. Frowning, I looked back up at her before turning to Big Brother and Etti. They both stared at me wide eyes—even Etti who never displayed any form of emotion on his face.

Scorpio grinned. "This is our contracted form, isn't it beautiful?" She brought a mirror bordered with precious jewels up to my face. I gasped in shock.

This... This was me?

^^^That's Amaryllis' contracted form with Scorpio

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^^^That's Amaryllis' contracted form with Scorpio

I looked so different. Different from my own body and Aries' contracted one. Much more mature and seductive, a temptress. It kind of reminded me of my old life, I looked somewhat similar back then.

Wavy pink hair that fell against pretty skin. Covering my originally blue eye was a black lacy eyepatch. My very... womanly body was covered in black silk and lace, managing to expose some of the most intimate places of the female race. A small pointed nose and full pouted pink lips took up the lower proportion of my face. A dazzling feline-like red-pink eye was covered in a matching glitter and sharp dark brows painted a picture-perfect face. 

So pretty. So seductive.

I heard a slight clapping and turned to glare at Big Brother. 

"Who knew my adorable little sister could turn into such a temptress, Big Brother is truly proud." He wiped away a fake tear from his eye and clapped. I frowned. Why did he have to tease me? It's not my fault that Scorpio is unusually sexy...

Okay, I should stop.

Or turn into a lesbian.

One of the two.

Maybe the second option.

That's a good idea.

A very good idea.

A very very good idea.

An idea so astronomically amazing even Arty had to admit it was a good idea.

The undeniably beautiful purple-haired woman stared down at me. Even though we were similar heights now, she still stood a bit taller. How disheartening.

A slender gloved finger reached up to her own mouth and she seductively ran it across her lower lip.

I feel weird.

Holy flying mantises, I feel really weird.

Strangely amazing though.

And then, Scorpio's face swooped down.

And her painted lips pressed against my own.

I swear fireworks went off.


Scorpio and Amaryllis. What a great couple. Hey, we did need some lesbian relationships in here eventually. Harem members don't just have to be male ;)

This chapter was not intended to insult any lesbians or gay, it is for pure entertainment.

I wasn't originally going to post a chapter tonight but I was like 'stuff it, let's do it!' and this what came out of it.

Finding pictures of them was the biggest struggle, especially Scorpio. It was such a pain even my internet denied it and stopped working.

Aside from that, I really enjoyed this chapter.

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