Seventeen: Yuri moments with Scorpio and Amaryllis

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Warning: The chapter gets a bit sexual. Nothing beyond kissing but still. Also no hate on the yuri relationship, please...


There were fireworks.

I knew it.

My mind was practically blank.

Except for the shock. 

Because of that inevitable shock, my mouth opened.

And Scorpio darted her hot tongue in.

Holy cow. Arty, help! I'm about to... about to...

"Ahh!" Oh no. I did it.

Scorpio smirked against my lips, slightly breaking us apart for a second and whispering. "Moan for me more sweetheart," 

And maybe I did.

She shoved me against one of the firm pillars and I jumped up, wrapping my legs around her waist.

Her mouth moved from my mouth to my neck, sucking and nibbling on the pale skin there. Holy... This feels amazing! I tilted my head to the side, allowing a cocky Scorpio further access to the exposed skin.

Then I heard a cough. The mood instantly broke.

Scorpio stopped nibbling and twirled around—my body still plastered on hers—her red-eyes glaring at the culprit. I also frowned as I stared at Big Brother.

His golden cat eyes looked coldly at the Zodiac. 

"Could you please not defile my sister in front of me?"

Scorpio smirked before looking down at my flushed and panting face. 

"So we can do whatever if you're not around? Then leave. I need to defile this adorable woman and even though an audience is a good idea, I want our first time to be more private."

I gasped. 

Big Brother glared.

Etti stood still in shock.

And I just lay my head against her neck in embarrassment.

She smirked at him, walking off with me somehow still stuck to her body. I tried to get off at one stage but it seemed like I was glued into place.

As we exited the gazebo, I immediately spotted an unhappy dirty Aries. When his eyes saw us in this... position, they widened. Are lesbians really that uncommon in this world? Wait... Is this place homophobic?

Am I even a lesbian?

After all, the only one I really find attractive is Scorpio.

That alone is reason enough.

We arrived at the carriage without my notice and soon the school.

I was in a daze even as we walked across the school grounds, Aries acting as the only guide to the headmaster's office.

The worst part —we had arrived during peak lunchtime. Many students were walking around and chatting with friends. That and staring at us. I even heard a few whispers of words like 'Hot'.

Those were mostly from men though.

Some things never change, do they...

Once we reached his office, the secretary outside the large doors hurriedly told us that we needed an appointment. Ignoring her, Scorpio and Aries barged through the doors while the woman's face paled.

Headmaster Dusquarr looked up in annoyance before his eyes turned to shock. His blue-purple eyes stared at the position Scorpio and I were in.

His voice stuttered as he spoke. "I-Is that Amaryllis?! She looks so mature and beautiful... What happened to her?!"



Oh wow.

Just wow.

Is this what the older Amaryllis would look like—minus the pink hair of course!

She looked really really good. Totally my type.

But the more attractive thing would definitely be those long pale legs wrapped around the other atrociously good-looking woman. Something triggered inside me as I saw them in that very intimate position and I swear in that moment, I nearly just gave up on Amaryllis so she could remain with that woman.

Looking at Amaryllis' and the purple-haired devil's swollen lips, I knew.

They had kissed.


And it was unexpectedly very, very arousing.

I fidgeted uncomfortably in my seat. I could deal with a before puberty Amaryllis but once she hit it, I would pounce on her. Just like I was about to do now.

By now, I had gotten used to the presence of them and once again regained my calm and controlled composure. Well, except for the little problem down there.

I may be a devil, but he would be Satan.

My lips pulled up in a smirk. "So Amaryllis, have you turned into that form as a way to seduce me? Because if so, it's working really well. Come with me and I'll show you some fun." I saw anger flash in the purple-haired woman's eyes. Then it turned to amusement.

She stalked forward—Amaryllis still clinging desperately to her shapely body—before dumping the woman of the hour herself onto my lap. 

Right on my little problem. (More like a huge problem.)

Amaryllis—that little temptress—wiggled on my lap and I immediately caged her in my arms to prevent her from moving. Does she realise that this is exciting?

She looked down, confused before her red eye widened in realisation. Her pouty lips formed a perfect o shape as she stared me in the eye. A shaky finger pointed downwards. 

"I-Is that what I think it is?"

I nodded.

She froze again.

Then she screamed, somehow escaping my arms to only press her bountiful chest against my face. I knew she only wished to escape the little me but really! It just keeps getting worse the more you do these cute things Amaryllis...

She somehow scrambled off my body, bowing lowly while apologising over and over again. Her pink hair did little to shield that sparkling eye and rosy cheeks. And every time she leant over, I got a very nice view of her bosom.


The purple-haired woman smirked at me, once again sauntering over to my desk.

Her red eyes held so much amusement and it hurt my pride. "I'm Scorpio. You should know that Amaryllis is my contracted human." 


Another Zodiac?

And it just had to be one sexually interested in Amaryllis.

But it's kind of funny if you think about what will happen when her loyal fans find out that she lost her first kiss—to a girl nonetheless.

Scorpio grabbed Amaryllis, wrapping her lithe arm around the smaller woman's tiny waist. In response, the angel herself just became more flushed.

Damnit, I need to stay away from Amaryllis when she's in this form.


This is my first time writing something like this so please forgive the sucky attempt.

No homophobic comments are welcomed in my book. I will delete them and if you see one, please report it to me if I haven't seen it already.

That's all I have to say.

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