Twenty-three: The return of the snake

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It took some time to get used to. Being a fairy and all was kind of strange, especially learning to fly. But it didn't seem as shocking as I had originally thought and I adapted to it rather easily. Though I'm still confused on how this happened.

On that note, the Queen has not yet contacted me like the fairy once said.


It had at first been strange to constantly switch between forms but now it was normal. For school, I would go in my human body while when I trained, it would be my real (?) form as a fairy.

When Big Brother and Etti had first found out about this, they were shocked. Big Brother had even fainted from shock while Etti had just sat in his low chair—but his height made it look like he was on Big Brother's throne—seemingly dazed.

I haven't even told Father or Lucian about it yet.

I knew there were a few problems in Argonda concerning that snake and that Lucian was about to take his exams. It wasn't the time to distract them. If I did, it would come with great repercussions. 

Repercussions that they couldn't deal with.

Actually, Father had sent me a letter. He had written the norm before adding haphazardly onto the end that the witch and himself were coming to visit Lucian and I. Obviously I was overjoyed about Father's presence but no so much about the snake's.

She was mad.

At me.

And as my step-mother, the world deemed it okay to discipline me. I knew Father could not say anything, she had the Council as her back up. Even the people were more cautious of her presence because of this, not truly rebelling against her yet.

It certainly wasn't hidden that the only Queen of their hearts was my mother Ambrosine—a goddess in their hearts as I've been told. She was kind and virtuous, putting the people's needs before her own.

And to them and my family—that snake could never compare. She put herself above everyone, spending as much of the kingdom's money as she could. The commoners were like dirt in her eyes, unworthy of her attention and love. She was greedy and unkind as well as cruel to those who did not obey.

Her reputation had become even worse when I had been locked away from the public. The people did not believe her excuses of my 'fragile body' and caused many riots to arise. But she never wavered, instead deciding to continue her atrocious actions.

And now, she was coming to my Academy. With Scorpio and Aries here and with their power, she was undoubtedly going to try and take them. But I knew that they wouldn't let her—especially Scorpio.

There was also Quel's little squirrel—Aerah. He was rather attached to me and often would stay away from his contracted person to come stay with me. And with that adorable blood red squirrel came the twins—mostly Quel.

Over time, we had become close friends. He avoided any inappropriate actions with me after my transformation but still held his tongue was still poisonous to many and he was still arrogant beyond compare.

The heroine certainly wasn't happy when her harem members stopped talking to her.

At first, I tried to avoid them but we became friends so I thought 'Hey, why would a friend kill another friend?' and accepted him. The twins then ditched Crystal. She had lost quite a few I had noticed, Arthur, Caspian and now the twins.

The other members were just silent and ignored her. It was similar in the game, she only became the real centre of their attention after her display of power in the annual competition where she destroyed her opponents. And then to show good will, healed them.

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